Tuesday, May 29, 2012

USA - This week in Congress: CIA, FBI secret spending

by Audrey Hudson
The House returns from recess on Wednesday for a short workweek and is expected to take up the Intelligence Authorization Act that will lay out the spending priorities for the government’s clandestine services.
It’s an annual guessing game in Washington to figure out exactly what is in the bill, because it’s mostly top secret.
Very little of the bill is public information, although it does allow that $514 million will be set aside for the CIA’s retirement and disability fund. Additionally, $530 million would be approved for the Intelligence Community Management Account of the Director of National Intelligence.
In addition to the CIA, the bill authorizes funding for the FBI, National Security Agency, and intelligence activities at other agencies including the Defense, Energy Justice and State Departments.
Key Republican leaders sent word to Attorney General Eric Holder that he must comply with a congressional subpoena for documents related to the ongoing investigation of Fast and Furious, or face contempt charges by the full House.
“If necessary, the House will act to fulfill our Constitutional obligations in the coming weeks,” said the letter from House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.), and House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.).
Because of the short workweek, few hearings are scheduled in the House. The Transportation and Infrastructure Committee will hold a hearing Thursday on the Federal Aviation Administration’s efforts to reduce costs, and two Energy subcommittees will hold an oversight hearing on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
The Senate is in recess this week, but upon their return June 4 they will need to turn to several pieces of unfinished business including the Paycheck Fairness Act, Farm bill, cyber security, and several appropriation measures.