Thursday, December 5, 2013

USA - Terrorism , COMING TO A STATE NEAR YOU..........

 "A system of government that seeks to rule by intimidation.
Unlawful acts of violence committed in an organised attempt to overthrow
government." - Funk & Wagnalls New Comprehensive English Dictionary
Here an Old Couple of Quotes: "Once the people are terrorized, you can
force a police state on them."--Mae Brussel

Warning: Perfect storm conditions now in place for Big Government to allow
(or even stage) terrorism attacks in America.

(NaturalNews) This is an urgent message that departs from the usual health freedom focus of NaturalNews. I apologize in advance for NaturalNews readers who do not wish to read about these issues, as they can be uncomfortable for some who prefer to simply not know about this. So please do not continue reading this story if you would rather not deal with the reality of what governments throughout history have routinely done when they wanted to seize more power from citizens or expand their power. That governments do this is not even debated, by the way. It's all open source and well documented throughout the history of the world (see sources below).

This is not fiction, nor conspiracy theory. It is historical fact, and I'm warning NaturalNews readers right now because conditions seem ripe for history to repeat itself with a new engineered war, a national emergency or some sort of false flag attack by government against its own people.

Also, I want to preface all this by being clear that there are GOOD people who work in government. There are good FBI agents, good ATF agents and good local cops who really do serve the interests of the public. In fact, I would say that most law enforcement officials in the USA are working for good and do their best to operate with a sense of ethics and common sense. What I'm discussing below only represents the bad few who openly engage in corruption and planned destructive events. Sadly, these kind of evil people exist in every industry and every profession. They exist today inside the FBI, inside the ATF, and inside local police departments, and they are an embarrassment to the rest of the good "men and women in blue" who actually work to protect our streets from criminals.

So please understand that this article is not an attack on law enforcement. It is an attack on those few corrupt, evil individuals inside law enforcement (at every level) who actively violate our nation's laws and plot against the American people in order to gain money, power and control.

Government terror = instant popularity

As former President George W. Bush found out, attacking America is the quickest way to raise the popularity of the President. In the aftermath of 9/11, Bush's popularity soared beyond 70% and gave him the political momentum to pass almost any law he desired. Out of that fiasco came the Patriot Act, one of the most dangerous freedom-crushing laws in U.S. history -- a law which guts the Bill of Rights and is now used against animal rights protestors and other non-terrorist groups, by the way.

Today, Obama's popularity is plummeting, even among Democrats. Popularity polls put Obama at record lows. It is at moments like this -- when presidents are seeing their popularity plummet -- that they often turn to "fabricated emergencies" or so-called "false flag attacks" in order to rally the people behind them (

For those who don't know, false flag terror attacks have admittedly been part of the U.S. government's game plan for the last several decades. Operation Northwoods, whose documents have now been made public, revealed that the U.S. plotted to stage attacks on U.S. cities in order to blame Fidel Castro and justify an invasion of Cuba. This is historical fact, not conspiracy theory ( So don't let anyone tell you this is all just some bizarre conspiracy theory. This was the official strategic playbook at the highest levels of government. It is conspiracy fact.

In other words, the U.S. government was, itself, willing to kill innocent Americans in order to garner public support for a war against Cuba. One of the targeted cities of this operation was Miami, which would have suffered countless civilian casualties under this plan. This was all laid out by the Department of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff in a document entitled, "Justification for US Military Intervention in Cuba (TS)." (

As journalist James Bamford described it, "Operation Northwoods, which had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere. People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked. Using phony evidence, all of it would be blamed on Castro, thus giving Lemnitzer and his cabal the excuse, as well as the public and international backing, they needed to launch their war."

Government will do anything to stay in power

Did you catch that? The U.S. government plotted to commit acts of terrorism against innocent Americans simply to justify its war on Castro.

False flag attacks are routinely used by government around the world as pretexts for war ( They're also quite handy at boosting the popularity of the President.

Slumping in the polls? Stage a shooting! Or better yet, drop a dirty bomb into the water supply and poison an entire city. In the aftermath of that terror, the American sheeple will go along with just about anything, including military troops on the streets, even in total violation of Posse Comitatus ( which prohibits the military form engaging in law enforcement actions on U.S. soil.

Napolitano spreads the fear to prepare the people for false flag attacks

Janet Napolitano, the most prolific propagandizer of fear at DHS, has been busy lately warning people about impeding terrorist attacks around the 9/11 ten-year anniversary. What she's not telling you, of course, is that the U.S. government itself is the group that's likely organizing these attacks for its own political purposes. Having a terrorist group take over a nuclear power plant on 9/11 would remind Americans to "be afraid" and surrender to government authority in order to feel a little safer.

It's classic problem-reaction-solution.

But getting back to the "perfect storm" I mentioned earlier, we now have four factors lining up to support a U.S. government false flag operation:

#1) Obama's plummeting ratings in the polls. A new terror attack or war is needed to rally the people around the President and save his political career.

#2) The impeding total default on the U.S. debt. What better way to distract people from the reality of financial implosion than to set off a few explosions (or dirty bombs) around the country and blame it on terrorists? Violence which can be blamed on others is always a rallying tactic for governments to engineer loyalty among the people. Watch for the U.S. government to stage an act of violence and blame it on Ron Paul supporters, veterans or people who own gold and firearms.

#3) The need to keep the people in line. Today, people are starting to question authority. They're fed up with the TSA. They're engaged in an online groundswell of disobedience toward Washington ( The way to silence all these people and portray anti-government speech as "acts of terrorism" is to blow something up and, ideally, blame it on white American extremists. The DHS is already preparing the nation for this with propaganda ads that depict everyday white people as terrorists (

#4) As a Big Government bonus, they can also go after all the gun owners who really represent the last line of resistance against government tyranny. This was the whole point behind Operation Fast & Furious, in which the U.S. government has now been caught actually selling thousands of weapons to Mexican drug gangs, in the hopes that those weapons would then be used in violent criminal acts back in the USA. In reaction to this new wave of "gun violence," the government could call for a new ban on all gun ownership -- and such an act has always been a prelude to total government tyranny against its own people. (Hitler confiscated all guns right before launching his genocidal attacks on the Jews. It's always easier to commit genocide if the innocents don't shoot back...)

These are the big four reasons why we can expect to witness a false flag attack here in America sometime in the next six months. My Spidey sense tells me this is coming sooner rather than later. I am concerned that such an engineered attack is right now being drawn up and implemented by some dark, rogue group of government operatives who are treasonous in their intentions, and that in the aftermath of it all, we will almost certainly lose even more rights and freedoms, just as we did in the aftermath of 9/11.

My predictions for the next false-flag terror attack in America

Watch for an attack to happen on a Monday or Tuesday because that maximizes the news cycle for the week. When government announces something that it doesn't want people to know about, it always announces them late on Friday, because most people are distracted with getting off work early and headed out for the weekend.

Tuesday is the ideal day to stage a false flag attack because it catches people at work and gives the event four days of mainstream news coverage which is, of course, completely engineered from false government propaganda. 9/11 took place, of course, on a Tuesday.

What will the next false-flag terror attack in America look like? My guess is that they now want to portray white people as the terrorists, so they need another Timothy McVeigh patsy to play the part. They've probably been out recruiting disgruntled veterans for this specific purpose, using all sorts of CIA mind control tactics (and technologies) to put voices into someone's head and convince them that God wants them to unleash a dirty bomb in New York City or something.

Yes, the technology to project voices into someone's head has existed for years. It's a DARPA research project called the "Sonic Projector," and WIRED News reported on it back in 2007 (

This same technology is also being developed as a new marketing communications system that can "beam" specific marketing messages right into the heads of people who pass by a storefront, for example. It's called HyperSonic Sound (

Likely targets

The most likely targets in America for these false flag attacks are ones that have lots of visuals that can be shown on the evening news again and again so that they can burn the fear into the eyeballs of the American sheeple. The bloodier it all is, the better in the eyes of the government conspirators because blood and gore creates fear that can be harnessed to pass yet more freedom-crushing legislation (or just put military troops right on the streets). So the government needs something that has a strong visual element, such as a blown up building, or blown up bodies, or loads and loads of people getting sick and dying from radiation unleashed from a dirty bomb, for example.

That's why the following possible false flag terror scenarios seem the most likely to be invoked:

• Blowing up trains carrying either nuclear materials or extremely dangerous chemicals, probably near a large population area in order to cause mass casualties.

• Setting off a dirty bomb in a major U.S. city, causing widespread radiation poisoning of millions.

• Unleashing deadly poisons in the water supply (although I don't think this is the most likely one because it doesn't have strong visuals like things blowing up).

• A mass shooting massacre at a sporting event or shopping mall. This one has the psychological advantage of also calling for national gun confiscation.

• Taking over and exploding an oil refinery. They will wait for all the TV cameras to arrive before setting off the explosions, of course.

• I also think there is a slight chance that the government will try to use a disgruntled farmer as the patsy, rigging up some sort of explosion using large volumes of fertilizer and a white farmer wielding a firearm. This would be a way to attack food freedoms by portraying farmers as terrorists. A farmer could easily target a federal building (a la Oklahoma City), and the explosion would help spread fear and instill even more government authority over farms and food production. This would play right into the hands of the FDA which already wants more control over the food supply. What better way to accomplish that than to portray farmers as terrorists?

No matter what the targets, you can best that freedom will be blamed in all this, and the reporting by the mainstream media will be twisted to condemn anyone who buys gold, questions the Federal Reserve, supports Ron Paul or believes in the U.S. Constitution (gasp!). The whole point of these operations it to paint patriots as terrorists and thereby convince the rest of the sheeple in the country to strip away whatever remaining rights and protections free people might expect to enjoy.

How does the government get patsies to pull this stuff off?

You might sensibly wonder how the government gets people like Timothy McVeigh or Lee Harvey Oswald (Kennedy assassination) to play these roles of patsies? Or the Saudi air passengers on 9/11, for that matter...

The answer is simple: Undercover FBI and CIA agents find people who are disgruntled and a little whacky. Then they convince them (or literally "program" them) to take action against the government and actually provide them with the materials, logistics and know-how they need to pull off the operations. This is why we saw government agents helping the infamous "underwear bomber" board an airplane even though he didn't have identification. The FBI has also admittedly been caught trying to arm a terrorist in Portland with a "fake bomb" (

As Paul Craig Robert, a former member of the Reagan administration, wrote about this incident:

Why does the FBI orchestrate fake "terror plots"? The latest one snared Osman Mohamud, a Somali-American teenager in Portland, Ore. The Associated Press report is headlined: "Somali-born teen plotted car-bombing in Oregon."

This is a misleading headline as the report makes it clear that it was a plot orchestrated by federal agents. Two sentences into the news report we have this: "The bomb was an elaborate fake supplied by the [FBI] agents and the public was never in danger, authorities said." The teenager was supplied with a fake bomb and a fake detonator.

The FBI's staging of "fake terror" in Portland resulted in a mass of angry citizens storming the Portland city hall to protest:

As PrisonPlanet reports:

Indeed, as previously reported, the FBI itself seems to pose the greatest threat as it sneaks around constructing and detonating bombs, allowing an inert device to be delivered next to a public crowd of thousands, all resulting in a high-profile arrest leaving the Mayor of Portland looking humiliatingly ignorant. This is an agency with an agenda, not an agency performing its duties. Portland's Mayor Sam Adams should be thankful the FBI didn't decide to go with real explosives as they did in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing in order to make their point and expand Federal control over the American people.

You can bet that right now, the FBI and CIA are running around America trying to recruit disgruntled crazies to carry out "terror attacks" on U.S. soil. And DHS is using its bullhorn to spread stories that the next terror attack will come from white American terrorists ( (Meanwhile, hilariously, the leader of the Libyan rebels who have been strongly aided by the U.S. and the U.N. is admittedly an al-Qaida operative, once again proving that the U.S. government openly funds terrorists.)

Why is all this really being done? From the FBI's point of view, it's all about job security. It's the same story with the ATF and its gun running into Mexico (operation Fast & Furious).

The TSA is also looking to shore up its own job security, which is probably why the agency was caught running its own airport bomb practice scenarios ( without even notifying airport police (because it's all a secret, you see).

In reality, nearly every government agency is right now thinking really hard about how to run its own false flag operations that will support its own expansion of power. The FDA loves to see food borne illness kill a few dozen people; the DEA loves to see drug gang violence breaking out in U.S. cities; and the DHS gets absolutely ecstatic when more terror attacks happen on U.S. soil. For these rogue agencies, it's all about their own survival, and they will do anything to make sure they keep getting funding.

Here at NaturalNews, we already showed film footage proving how the CDC fabricated false information about AIDS in order to shore up its own funding ( This is the same agency that spread fear and terror about H5N1 swine flu in order to help its drug company buddies make more money off the fear (

This is how government operates, folks: It incessantly seeks to expand its power and authority at any cost. Big Government is like a cancer -- it just keeps spreading, creating larger and larger tumors until it finally kills the host. And in America today, Big Government is suffocating freedom, destroying our economy and driving America down a path of financial destruction. Just today, Donald Rumsfeld threatened that if defense funding was cut to the Pentagon, America would suffer another terrorist attack (

This is all being done by design, of course. Why else would the feds raid Gibson Guitars at gunpoint and order them to export their jobs overseas by claiming it is illegal for American workers to "work the wood" used to make guitars? (

Why else would Obama's health care reform contain provisions that seem specifically designed to crush medium-sized businesses and drive more jobs out of the country? Why else would the new Food Safety Modernization Act actually expand the funding of the FDA, a bona fide government terrorist organization that operates a network of spies and infiltrators who run around the country intimidating raw milk ranchers and threatening to murder their animal herds? (

You've got to take off the blinders, folks, and realize that all these individual actions of government tyranny and intimidation make up the puzzle pieces of a much larger picture. And that picture clearly depicts the U.S. government as something that has long forgotten any sense of serving the People through civic duty and, instead, now views itself as the controller of the people. Government today views itself as the police state authority over every detail of citizens' lives.

As a great example of that which just surfaced, a Good Samaritan citizen who stepped in to help direct traffic after a traffic light went out was just arrested by the cops and given a ticket. Meanwhile, the cops refused to direct traffic at all, letting the traffic back up for at least a mile (

The mere act of trying to help society now gets you arrested, imprisoned or ticketed in America. And don't even try to question the authority of cops, or you'll be tasered and beaten.

The government of America has become the very same freedom-crushing monstrosity our founding father warned us about, and it actively seeks to use acts of government-run domestic terrorism to keep the American people in line. This is the reality of the government we live under today, and it's not going to get any better until we wise up and take back our freedoms to prevent violence from being committed by our government against our own citizens.

For the record, I do not espouse the use of violence to resolve conflicts, and I have consistently urged NaturalNews readers to support non-violent activism to take back our freedoms, throw the scoundrels out of office, peacefully march in protest of bad policies and so on. The radical government always tries to paint patriots and constitutional scholars as "terrorists" who advocate violence, but in reality it is the constitutionalists who are trying to prevent violence by restoring the Republic that America once was. A Republic, you probably already know, is a nation that exists under the rule of law, where those laws apply equally to everyone, including members of government.

And yet today, our own government operatives utterly disregard law, dismiss the Constitution and even knowingly violate laws in their quest for more power and control. Forcing government to follow the law is a very, very difficult thing to accomplish as has been shown throughout human history:

A Republic, if you can keep it

The deliberations of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 were held in strict secrecy. Consequently, anxious citizens gathered outside Independence Hall when the proceedings ended in order to learn what had been produced behind closed doors. The answer was provided immediately. A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, "A republic, if you can keep it." (

But we have failed to keep it, sadly. America has devolved into a land of government lawlessness where even the Bill of Rights is routinely and willfully violated. Government has become arrogant, punitive and controlling. Citizens are arrested and threatened with life in prison for merely videotaping cops in a public place! (

This is not a government "of the People, by the People and for the People." It has grown into a monstrosity of government for government's sake, and DAMN the People!

This is why you can expect the next so-called "terrorism" attacks in America to be planned and executed by government itself. Now that law has been abandoned, terror is the one remaining tactic they can use to keep the sheeple in line. George Bush used it quite effectively to partially dismantle the Bill of Rights, and now Obama will continue the work of George Bush just as he's done with secret prisons, illegal wars, economic destruction and empty rhetoric that only distracts the American people from the reality of what's being done to us.

Heck, Obama has now resorted to using techniques of neurolingistic programming to embed action-command language in his speeches. Check out this 45-second remix video:

Stay safe out there. The situation is far worse than you've been led to believe, and your own government is actively plotting against you to maintain its power and domination over the populace. This weekend's "celebration" of 9/11 is really the government celebrating its own success at using staged 9/11 events to take away your freedoms and grow its own power.

Educate yourself: Three online videos you REALLY NEED to see

#1 The American Dream

#2 Architects and Engineers question the official story on 9/11

and check out this website:

#3 What is a Republic? A simple explanation of the American form of government

Coming soon:
Farmageddon, the movie

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