Tuesday, May 1, 2012

USA - Retiring Distracted Drivers

Sure thing. Here you go:
I’ve been doing some research on distracted driving and came across your
 site! I saw your post and thought that you’d be interested in a resource my
 blog has just released on our future with driverless cars. Would you be
 interested in sharing this with your readers?

 Retiring Distracted Drivers
  I would love to hear your feedback! Hope you enjoy it.
 Have a great rest of the week,

Let me know what you think.


Retiring Distracted Drivers
April 24, 2012
While driverless cars have long been tenets of science fiction and visions of the future, it would seem that they are coming closer to being a part of today’s reality. With a slough of states, including Nevada and California passing legislation enabling driverless cars to be registered and tested, driverless cars are nearer now than they ever have been. While it’s hard to imagine a world where driverless cars become as commonplace as hybrid vehicles or SUVs, it’s undeniable that tremendous progress has been made researching and developing the technology that would enable a consumer product.
Google’s fleet of self-driving cars has logged 140,000 autonomous miles, and more and more car manufacturers are rolling out self-driving features like parking assist and adaptive cruise control. This infographic discusses how self-driving technology has developed over the past decade and where it might be headed in the future, as well as some of the possible safety improvements that reliable self-driving cars could bring to the roads.