Saturday, May 26, 2012

Traditionally Memorial Day Weekend is one of the worst for accidents! Let's all try to be extra safe this weekend not only on the road, but at ALL our events!

Top Five Memorial Day Accidents and Offers Tips to Stay Safe >PRWEB.COM Newswire Santa Cruz, Calif. (PRWEB) May 24, 2012
Memorial Day weekend has long been the unofficial kick-off of the summer "sun & fun" season, and rightly so. However, the Memorial Day weekend is also one of the worst weekends of the year for accidents and emergency room visits due to food contamination, grilling accidents, pool accidents, amusement park accidents and car and motorcycle accidents. Such accidents often lead to negligence lawsuits or personal injury lawsuits, but many accidents can be avoided simply by following some safety tips.

The "Top Five Memorial Day Accidents" along with tips to help ensure safety is at the forefront as holiday celebrations begin.

1. Food Contamination Accidents
Risk: Foodborne illness including E. Coli, Salmonellosis, Listeriosis, Botulism
• Ensure hands are washed thoroughly before handling food and after handling any raw meat or poultry. • Keep any uncooked meats separate from other foods to safeguard against cross-contamination. • Be sure to refrigerate all perishable foods within two hours, one hour if the air temperature is over 90 degrees.

2. Grilling Accidents Risk: Serious burn injury, fire damage, loss of life
• Make sure the grill is clean; remove grease, dust and debris that can easily ignite. If using a gas grill, check for any gas leaks or blockages in the gas line. • Keep any open flames, lit cigarettes and matches away from a grill that could be leaking gas. • Do not grill in an enclosed space, such as a garage or porch, and do not place grill on grass or other vegetation that can easily catch on fire. • Never leave any fire unattended.

3. Water Sport and Boating Accidents Risk: brain injury, spinal injury, drowning
• Never swim alone; ensure children are supervised at all times; swim where a lifeguard is on duty. • Always wear life vests when boating, fishing or participating in water sports. • Do not drink alcohol before swimming, boating or participating in water sports.

4. Amusement Park Accidents Risk: brain injury, spinal injury, loss of limbs, loss of life
• Always ensure safety restraints like seat belts are properly worn and secure. • Obey all safety guidelines for height, weight and health conditions. • Make sure ride operators and staff are attentive and present.

5. Car and Motorcycle Accidents Risk: head, neck and spinal cord injury, loss of limbs, orthopedic injury, loss of life
• Avoid distracted driving. Do not text and drive or use a cell phone or GPS while driving. • Never drink and drive or ride with someone who has been drinking alcohol. • Wear proper safety restraints or equipment such as a seatbelt or motorcycle helmet. • Make sure vehicles are properly serviced and maintained, particularly before longer trips.