Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Support an Australian Bill of Rights


Target: To the Honourable President and members of the Senate in Parliament assembled
Region: Australia
Background (Preamble):
This is a petition to the Federal Parliament Senate for a Bill of Rights for ALL Australians. Australia is the ONLY Common Law nation that does not have a Bill of Rights for its citizens. We are asking for Australians to ask that the parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia take to the people a referendum, ie, a people’s vote, for a Bill of Rights to be enshrined at a Constitutional level.

We ask that the Parliament provide the “means and the will” to instigate a Bill of Rights.

The means would be such things as a properly formed committee to oversee the process of writing a Bill of Rights and to include contributors from a broad section of the Australian community, for example.

The will is that they do this conscientiously and without regard to party politics, religion, vested interest or any such thing that will detract from a Bill of Rights and it is done with honesty, integrity and for the benefit of the Australian People.

When this petition has been signed by as many Australians as able, then it will be presented on the steps of Federal Parliament in Canberra.

This will be done at the end of the FREEDOM RUN which will be open to ALL Australians to participate. Those who believe in Australia as a nation and its peoples should partake. Those who are concerned for the future of this country, their children and their children’s children, should partake.

The FREEDOM RUN will start in Capital cities and regional centres and people will be able to partake in the whole run to Canberra, or may only ride or drive part of the way.

This FREEDOM RUN will also show the intent and will of the Australian people as to their sincerity in the promotion and intent for a Bill of Rights and it will be Australia wide.

The FREEDOM RUN and this petition show that the Australian people have had enough of Human Rights in this country being legislated away by both the State and Federal parliaments at the whim of politicians, who are more often than not, exempted from those very same laws. A Constitutional level Bill of Rights such as our petition seeks, cannot be legislated away by ANY politician, State or Federal. The people control the Constitution and parliaments and governments cannot contradict or dismiss the Constitution.
The petition of the undersigned shows that Australia has no Bill of Rights that provide unequivocal rights and protections to its citizens.

Your petitioners request that the Senate provide the means and the will to take to the people of Australia a referendum for a Bill of Rights to be included in the Australian Constitution. We do humbly recommend such basic Rights as stated in the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Adopted and proclaimed by General Assembly resolution 217 A (III) of the United Nations on 10 December 1948, Australia as signatory, to be included. Examples: A7; All are equal before the law, A9, freedom from arbitrary arrest, A11; presumption of innocence, A17; non-forfeiture of property, A20; freedom of association, et al.