Saturday, May 26, 2012

To access the Summary of the California Public Records Act of 2004, (before you download, please know the document is 84 pages long and approximately only the first eight pages are pertinent to this situation) click on the following link:
Name and Title (of the official w/custody of records)
Name of Agency
City, CA   Zip Code

RE:  Public Records Act Request

Dear (Name of individual or, “Public Records Officer”):

This is a request pursuant to the California Public Records Act (Government Code Section 6250, et. seq.).  Copies of the following document are requested:

·    [List with as much specificity as possible the documents needed.  They must be documents that already exist.]
·    Suggestion – Listing your request in bullet form makes your request easier to read
·    An easy-to-read request gives them less reason to delay your request

Please let me know in advance if there is a charge for copying these documents.  Pursuant to the Government Code § 6256, your written response within ten days will be appreciated.


Your Name
City, CA  Zip