Wednesday, May 30, 2012

NEW ZEALAND - Drug charges against Head Hunters dropped

Seven high-ranking members of the Head Hunters have had charges relating to a million dollars' worth of methamphetamine dropped.
Cain McFarland, Cristopher Morris, Anthony Neho, Christopher Williams, Lee Bell, Mark Barnes, Nathan Hemana and Craig Paterson were facing charges of belonging to an organised criminal group and posession of more than 1kg of methamphetamine for supply.
Justice Tim Brewer discharged the men at the High Court at Auckland this morning.
Bryan Collett and Phillip Robarts are also to have their charges dropped but were not in court this morning.
However, the president of the motorcycle gang - David James Dunn - still faces charges relating to the drugs. He will stand trial in November.
The men were arrested in March last year after police raided the gxxg's headquarters in Henderson, Auckland.
More than 1kg of methamphetamine, valued at more than $1 million, was found in the clubrooms.