Monday, May 28, 2012

New York Freedom Riders New York Legislation and news


A09289: Makes comprehensive motor vehicle insurance reparations (no-fault
insurance) applicable to motorcycles.
Sponsor: Ortiz
[NOTE: companion bill to S6359]

Status: 02/14/2012 referred to insurance
Bill text:


Alabama- license update

HB157: Motor vehicles, motorcycles, Class M motorcycle license including
restricted license to operate a motor-driven cycle, issuance by Public
Safety Department, knowledge test required under certain conditions

02/16/2012: Read Second Time in House of Origin
Bill text:

Arizona- emissions update

HB2073: emissions testing; motorcycles; extension

[House: 01/26/12 PASSED]
Bill text:

Illinois- helmet: hearings

HB0285: Provides that every operator and passenger on a motorcycle, motor
driven cycle, or motorized pedalcycle who is age 26 or younger must wear a
helmet that meets federal safety standards.

Status: Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Committee Hearing Feb 22 2012
Capitol Building Room 115 Springfield, IL
Bill text:
HB0290: Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code to require every operator and
passenger on a motorcycle, motor driven cycle, or motorized pedalcycle to
wear a helmet that meets federal safety standards.

Status: Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Committee Hearing Feb 22 2012
Capitol Building Room 115 Springfield, IL
Bill text:
Kentucky - permits update

HB 328: AN ACT relating to the operation of a motorcycle.
Amend KRS 186.450 to allow a person who has received an intermediate
operator's license to apply for a motorcycle instruction permit; make a
motorcycle instruction permit good for 1 year, with the ability to renew the
permit 1 time, allow a person whose motorcycle instruction permit has
expired apply for a motorcycle operator's license if the person can present
proof of successful completion of a motorcycle safety education course in
accordance with KRS 15A.352(5).

Feb 10-3rd reading, passed 94-0; received in Senate
Feb 14-to Transportation (S)
Bill text:
Louisiana- training NEW

SB77: Provides that a person who successfully completes the Motorcycle,
Safety, Awareness, and Operator Training Program is not required to take a
written knowledge test to obtain an "M" endorsement on his driver's license.

02/16/2012: Prefiled and under the rules provisionally referred to the
Committee on Transportation, Highways and Public Works.
Bill text:

Maine- gang update

LD 1707: An Act To Define, Prevent and Suppress Gang Activity in the State

Latest Committee Action: VOTED, Feb 9, 2012, Ought Not to Pass
Committee Report: Feb 14, 2012, Ought Not to Pass
Bill text:

Maryland- hearing

SB488: Providing that the prohibition against operating or riding on a
motorcycle without specified protective headgear does not apply to an
individual at least 21 years old who carries at least $10,000 in health
insurance coverage for injuries that may be incurred in a motorcycle
accident; etc.

Status: JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS COMMITTEE Hearing 2/21 at 1:00 p.m.
Bill text:

New Hampshire- pipes, permit

HB1442: relative to motorcycle noise emission regulation.

2/15/2012: Committee Report: Ought to Pass with Amendment #0683h for Feb 22
(Vote 14-1; RC)
2/15/2012: Proposed Committee Amendment #2012-0683h


HB1310: increasing the number of days a motorcycle learner's permit is

2/15/2012: Amendment #0517h Adopted, VV
2/15/2012: Ought to Pass with Amendment #0517h: MA VV

Amendment- [90 days to 45 days]:

Tennessee: hearings

HB 0153: As introduced, prohibits passengers under the age of five on

02/15/2012: Action Def. in s/c Finance Subcommittee to 2/22/2012
02/15/2012: Placed on s/c cal Finance Subcommittee for 2/22/2012
Bill text:
HB 2661: As introduced, removes the requirement that any driver or passenger
of a motorcycle 21 years of age or older wear a motorcycle helmet

02/14/2012: Action Def. in s/c Transportation Subcommittee to 2/21/2012
02/15/2012: Placed on s/c cal Transportation Subcommittee for 2/21/2012
Bill text:
HB 2729/SB 2529: As introduced, directs the department to conduct a study of
motorcycle passenger safety, emphasizing the safety of motorcycle riders and
passengers under 18, and report its results and recommendations to the house
and senate transportation committees by February 1, 2013.

HB 2729
02/14/2012: Rec. for Pass. if Am. ref. to: Calendar & Rules Committee
02/15/201: Placed on cal. Calendar & Rules Committee for 2/16/2012
02/16/2012: H. Placed on Regular Calendar for 2/23/2012
SB 2529
02/15/2012: Action def. in S. T&S Comm. to 2/22/12
02/15/2012: Placed on S. T&S Comm. cal. for 2/22/2012
Bill text:

HB327: "dead red"

2/13/2012 House/ to standing committee
2/16/2012 House Comm - Substitute Recommendation
2/16/2012 Bill Substituted by Standing Committee
Bill text:
Virginia- roadblocks, two in a lane updates

HB 187:Police check-points; prohibits establishment of motorcycle only

02/13/12 Senate: Read third time
02/13/12 Senate: Passed Senate (40-Y 0-N)
02/15/12 House: Enrolled
02/15/12 House: Bill text as passed House and Senate (HB187ER)
Bill text:
HB 97: Motorcycles; driving two abreast in a single lane.

02/13/12 Senate: Read third time
02/13/12 Senate: Reading of amendment waived
02/13/12 Senate: Committee amendment agreed to
02/13/12 Senate: Engrossed by Senate as amended
02/13/12 Senate: Passed Senate with amendment (38-Y 2-N)
02/14/12 House: Placed on Calendar
02/15/12 House: Senate amendment agreed to by House (87-Y 10-N)
02/15/12 House: VOTE: ADOPTION (87-Y 10-N)
02/16/12 House: Enrolled
02/16/12 House: Bill text as passed House and Senate (HB97ER)
Bill text:

West Virginia -lights/helmet

HB4245: Permitting certain auxiliary lighting on motorcycles

02/15/12: By substitute, do pass
02/16/12: From House Calendar, 1st reading, placed on Special Calendar
02/16/12: Read 1st time
02/17/12: On 2nd reading, Special Calendar

NOTE: §17C-15-44. Safety equipment and requirements for motorcyclists,
motorcycles, motor-driven cycles and mopeds; motorcycle safety standards and
education committee.

REMOVED: the United States Department of Transportation Federal Motor
Vehicle Safety Standard No. 218
Bill text:


The 7th Annual Texas Motorcycle Safety Forum held in Bryan, Texas on
February 6

The following video presentations are now on line:

Opening Remarks – Terry Pence, TxDOT
NHTSA Motorcycle Safety Initiatives – Kenneth Copeland, NHTSA
Statewide Motorcycle Safety Initiatives – Patricia Turner, TTI
Collection and Analysis of Motorcycle Crash Data – James Lock, Collision
Research Associates
Rider Conspicuity – Michael Kellett, Motorcycle Enthusiast
What’s New in Training – John Young, TxDPS
Expanding the Share the Road Program – Butterfly, TCOC&I

USDOT/NHTSA Budget Estimates for FY 2013

PDF 212 pages:

Page 186-187

Section 3011 Motorcyclist Safety Grants
FY 2013 Request: $7,000,000

The Motorcyclist Safety Grants encourage states to adopt effective
motorcyclist safety programs.
The grant program would allow states to expend funds on a comprehensive
motorcycle safety
strategy, with an emphasis on activities which would increase the use of
motorcycle helmets (the
most effective means of reducing motorcycle crash fatalities and serious
injuries). To date, the
grant program has focused on use of funds to deliver rider training and
motorist awareness
programs. While these are important issues, the lifesaving strategy of
increasing the use of
motorcycle helmets has not been addressed, even though research has shown
that state’s that
have passed motorcycle helmet laws have reduced their fatalities and
injuries. This Motorcycle
Safety Grant program would increase the funds going to the states and expand
the uses of these
funds to include promoting the use of DOT compliant motorcycle helmets,
increasing efforts to
reduce impaired riding, and reducing the number of improperly licensed
motorcyclists, thus
providing states additional flexibility to address motorcycle safety

Why Is This Particular Program Necessary?

Motorcyclist fatalities increased by 132 percent in the ten year period from
1998 to 2008. In
2009, motorcyclist fatalities dropped for the first time in over ten years –
a decrease of 16
percent from 2008 to 2009. Therefore, from 1998 to 2009, fatalities
increased by 95 percent. In
contrast to the increase in motorcyclist fatalities, motorcycle
registrations have risen by 104
percent from 1998 to 2009. The increase in fatalities has occurred among all
age groups and in
all regions of the country and has offset safety improvements in other
areas, such as passenger
vehicle occupant safety.

How Do You Know The Program Works?

Motorcycle helmets are highly effective in protecting motorcycle riders’
heads in a crash and are
effective in reducing rider fatalities by 22 to 41 percent and brain
injuries by 41 to 69 percent.
Motorcyclist safety training and public awareness and outreach programs
targeting motorists are
countermeasures that are prominently featured in most state motorcyclist
safety programs. This
program will provide states more flexibility in expending grant funding.
Funds could be spent
on a variety of activities, with an emphasis on enforcement and the
promotion of helmet use
laws, rather than solely motorcycle awareness and training.

Why Do We Want/Need To Fund The Program At the Requested Level?

NHTSA is requesting $7 million in FY 2013, which is consistent with the FY
2012 enacted
funding level. Motorcycle fatalities have increased by over 110 percent from
1997 to 2009,
while registrations have risen by 103 percent from 1997 to 2008. Funds allow
states to continue
and expand efforts to reduce motorcycle crashes and increase state
flexibility for using funds to
improve motorcycle safety.