Wednesday, May 30, 2012

National Motorcycle Profiling Act has been Drafted

A National Motorcycling Profiling Act has been drafted!

At the NCOM Convention in Indy a couple of weeks ago, Double D, outlined what he and others envisioned for a National Motorcycle Profiling Act.  Double D is a member of the Outsiders MC Tacoma, US Defenders National Legislative Liaison and Washington State Commander, Washington State COC Spokesperson, plus a member of the NCOM Legislative Task Force.  Doesn’t that just make you tired reading all he does!

I have had the pleasure of meeting Double D several times as well as listen to him speak.  He is very, very energetic and inspiring.  He and his team in Washington were able to make profiling motorcycle riders illegal, plus requiring the education of the police on what they can and cannot do when dealing with a motorcycle rider.  It’s the first in the United States, I believe, and I hope not the last.  But if they can pass a National Motorcycle Profiling Act, it should cover a large portion of the motorcycle community.

As a starting point they have established “The End Motorcycle Profiling Committee” made up of individuals with specific duties including policy, communications, media, networking, just to name a few items. This committee is headed up by Double D and the committee will provide the direction and access to the tools required to achieve success by working within as many organizations as possible and getting on the same page.  ABATE will be one of those group and we will keep you posted as this progresses.

At this point, this is just a heads up that this is happening.  BUT if you have experienced motorcycle profiling of any kind (or you know someone who has), they are looking for specific examples / cases, including cases of monetary and court judgments. Please email me at and I will forward the information to the appropriate person.  If you would like to speak to someone about it, I’ll make sure that happens.