Sunday, May 27, 2012

Jessicas Fund


Jessicas Fund


This fundraiser ends on August 15th, 2012
Beneficiary: Jessica Vandigriff

Family and friends of Jessica are uniting to raise money to help keep her in the fight for her life! No Excuse for Domestic Abuse!

On May 8th 2012 The Record, a Stockton based newspaper ran a headline that read "Abuse suspect crashed into tree" But that did not reveal the tale of horror and tragedy that unfolded over the course of several days, nor reveal the ordeal that our beloved Jessica would endure. Here is her story, but please keep in mind this story is not for the faint of heart.
Jessica had just about lost hope when her one and only son Lance was brutally murdered just after his 19th birthday on the streets right before the holidays back in 2009. She had lived for her son and it took a huge toll on her. We were all so amazed and delighted when she met what she had called the "the Love of her life" The blooming relationship had seemed so well timed, as if she had been saved by a guardian angel. We were all so happy for her that no one really noticed or cared how fast things between them were really progressing and with in 6 months they were married. Every thing seemed fine better than fine as a matter of fact a new beginning and a reason for Jessica to move forward. And now, still fresh into their honeymoon phase, we were all surprised to learn of his brutality.
The article goes on to tell of him "physically abusing his wife for two days" and how when he was arrested he attempted to flee sheriff deputies and ran his vehicle into to cop cars then crashed in a tree in front of Edison High School. That same article it goes on to list the charges one by one, those of torture, false imprisonment, felony battery domestic violence, assault with a deadly weapon, sexual battery and attempted murder. Jessica had been held for days, systematically and brutally tortured. He beat her, held her down on the floor and on the bed, and told her he was going to kill her. He repeatedly kicked and punched her in the head and torso, causing severe bruising, swelling, several broken bones and finally loss of consciousness. He burned her with cigarettes, hit both of her legs with a hammer and stabbed her repeatedly with a steak knife. You get a clearer picture when you read his charges at and search for Keith Lamont Price, there you can see the charges this monster is facing while she lay in a coma in critical condition. Due to the brutality there was no bail set.
She has not opened her eyes since being found that day on May 8th. She is in a SJV hospital motionless and unrecognizable. She has liver and spleen damage from foreign objects being inserted into her, bone after bone in her face torso and legs were broken and she is left on 24 hour life support unable to breath for herself. All of her friends and family are beside ourselves with grief. The only positive action that we can do right now is pray for her survival and raise money for her bills to make sure when she is better...she will not be burdened with the overwhelming costs of medical and rehabilitation expenses.
Please help us support Jessica in this time of need. We need all of you! Just $5 or even $1 will help and if you can not donate please pass this along and add Jessica to your prayer list!
Daniel J Keehn