Monday, December 3, 2012

Helmet Laws - Helmet Laws Wallet Card Graphic

Cyril Huze has a discussion on what states have Helmet Laws. It might be a good opportunity to check in and comment.

At a time of the year when many of you are going to travel across the USA, it is important that you know each State motorcycle helmet law. There are five different variations in motorcycle helmet requirements, from Free Choice (no helmet restrictions) to No Choice (everyone riding a motorcycle must wear a bike helmet).
Accident lawyers of Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C. in Michigan created a State by State motorcycle Helmet Laws Infographic Map to visually display the helmet law requirements in every State.
The Motorcycle Helmet Law graphic also shows which states have the highest fines and maximum jail time for violating their bike helmet law. Georgia is toughest on violators with a $1,000 fine and 12 months of jail time, and Nevada comes in second with a $1,000 fine and a maximum six months of jail time…
This information is offered on a FREE wallet card to anyone, so that can always carry this information in your wallet while you ride.  To request a FREE wallet card, email and type “Helmet Law” in the subject line. Just provide your mailing address and they will send it out right away. If you would like additional wallet cards to pass out to your chapter members or friends, feel free to request additional cards. Simply put the request in your email..