Monday, April 8, 2013

CALIFORNIA - Watched "The Devil's Ride" last Tuesday night......

It’s up on youtube at for those that haven’t caught the show.

Watched "The Devil's Ride" Tuesady night. Let me say this, there's no need to ask an MC'er ANY stupid questions about the MC World since every known stupid question was answered in last night's episode!!! I thought S.O.A. would stereotype us, then this shit comes along! If this club is real, WHY would they air out their business on TV? Let's see, inner turmoil, cops and gang task force breathing down their necks, assaults on camera, twatty ol'ladies, ex-cons with assault weapons.... Sheeeit, next week it's MORE inner turmoil, feloney assault, strong arming(and that's just the preview)!!! Can't wait for the "meth lab", "kidnapping", "mob hit" episodes!!!!! Great Ambassadors of the MC World to the public!
People say "it's reality TV so it must be real". If so, then the twatty ol'lady who laid ...the beer bottle across the photogs head would've been arrested and charged with aggravated assault, and the Discovery film footage confiscated as evidence!! I guess having Pro Wrestlers in the series gives credibility to it being real!!! At least with S.O.A., it's HOLLYWOOD, and not percieved anymore as REAL to the general public(except to the MORONS who wear their SOA hoodies in public tryintobee)!
Also, for a "rough and tumble" MC that's been around for 5 years, their patches on their cuts look awful CLEAN, with all the fights and all.
Don't drink the kool-aid America, this show is as real as Kim Kardashian's tits!!! If this bilge was reality, then the film you would see would be the producers of the show asking a REAL MC to be on TV and the end result would be said producer getting a lumpy hairdoo and his camera stuck up his ass!
Oh, BTW, Laughing Devil hoodies go on sale after the third episode!!!
Of course it's all HOLLYWEIRD BULLSHIT, No REAL MC CLUB, would ever AIR OUT THERE BUSINEES, I'm thinking bikers are getting too popular, even reverred and this scares the Police, so they got to get something out there to make all clubs look ...evil, just like they did in the 60's with all the B grade biker movies, all of a sudden if you rode a Harley, people wanted to run you down, just because in their ant brains all bikers were Evil, Malicious threats to society thanks to Hollyweird.

  1. 1. These boys should be more careful when breaking those fluorecent tubes. Those things contain mercury. That could be dangerous…
    2. When pulling security in the hood, you should always have a 40 in a paper bag in your hand, adds camouflage for blending into an environment and also a good weapon to throw…..
    3. On a more serious note, the new “P” can nominate not elect his “V.P.” I know that elections havent been held yet, It sure appeared that the “VP” was a foregone conclusion
    4. I LOVED the “private” club business behind closed doors meetings with the club officers.
  3. 5. We will invite this so called Club to an event held in Reno this year. Lets see if they show, I bet they do… After trailering their bikes in the “P.R” tent and charging $5 for an autographed pic or 35 for a T-shirt.
  4. Have fun with the S.O.A. spin-off, it’ll last a few more episodes. Maybe the next reality show could be about the think tank that comes up with all of the stupid new reality shows. Titled…. Burn-Out producers and their meth induced psychosis’s