Thursday, May 24, 2012

CALIFORNIA - Are The Vagos Next

Are The Vagos Next
The Department of Justice may be about to drop the hammer on the Vagos Motorcycle Club. The Feds have already begun a concerted effort to poison the jury pool in Los Angeles.
The smoking gun is a report on the Fox television affiliate in LA that aired Sunday night. The ATF maintains cordial relations with various News Corporation subsidiaries including the Fox Television Network. The propaganda piece was reported by Peabody Award winner Chris Blatchford. Blatchford has previously reported on the so-called Mexican Mafia and the Mongols Motorcycle Club for Fox.
The report was titled “The Green Nation is on a mission to replace the Hells Angels as the Baddest (sic) outlaw biker gang.”
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has enjoyed its greatest successes in Los Angeles in its ongoing war on motorcycle clubs. The ATF agents with the greatest expertise about bikers are in Los Angeles. They include John Ciccone, Darrin Kozlowski and John Carr. All three of those men have participated in multiple investigations of the Vagos during the last 15 years.
During the last two years the ATF has hidden behind local and state police in California, Arizona and Nevada in investigations of the Vagos. There is currently an ongoing federal investigation of the club. There have been numerous, significant indications that the current investigation began as early as 2008. At present, at least two former Vagos, Jacob Cancelli and Stuart Gary Rudnick appear to be cooperating with federal officials.

Blatchford’s Hatchet Job

Blatchford begins his report with video of a large pack of Vagos and the voice over narration: “Outlaw bikers. Three hundred deep. Rumbling down a freeway in Nevada like they own it. Blocking off other traffic. Running a series of red lights with total disregard for the law. All, are members of the Vagos outlaw motorcycle club also known as The Green Nation.” The report goes on to characterize the Vagos as “A ruthless criminal motorcycle gang that has been terrorizing our community for years if not decades.”
A “former Vago now dead told Fox 11 News he was good for at least three murders himself.” The former Vago, whose identity is concealed (photo above), is interviewed at length in the report. “I left a lot of victims in my wake,” he brags. “I shot a guy one time because he wanted to quit. I said, okay, here you go, BAM! I shot him. Now you quit. That’s like that, you know. That’s, that’s Billy the Kid stuff, ya know. These guys are, they’re treacherous. They’re not regular people. What’s inside of ‘em, most of ‘em, is kinda dark. They ain’t got no feelings. It’s not about nobody else or nothing.” The anonymous turncoat makes the RICO argument that the club is a for-profit racket. “What they’re about is the money, the money and the money. And, they don’t care how they make it.”
Blatchford quotes Ciccone like this: “Law enforcement intelligence sources tell us what the Vagos want to get now is more territory and clout. That’s taking them into Hells Angels turf and what they’re getting and giving is a fresh trail of blood.”
In addition to a disregard of traffic laws, psychopathy and racketeering Blatchford accuses the Vagos of sexism. He explains footage of women riding on the backs of bikes with, “Even their own women, as you can see spelled out on the back of their jackets, are branded property of the Vago who owns them.”

Charles Falco

Blatchford also interviews “Charles Falco who infiltrated the Vagos for two and a half years.” The informant is the subject of a book titled Inside Out: My Life Undercover with the Vagos by emerging biker authority Kerrie Droban.
Droban has previously published books about the Hells Angels, Running With The Devil: The True Story of the ATF’s Infiltration of the Hells Angels, and the Pagans MC, Prodigal Father, Pagan Son: Growing Up Inside the Dangerous World of the Pagans Motorcycle Club. Former ATF undercover agent Jay Dobyns, who is the hero of Running With The Devil described Droban as “someone with no access to the biker world” who “relied exclusively on her interpretation of public documents.” A movie based on Droban’s book about the Angels is in pre-production.
Droban’s book about the Vagos was sold to Thomas Dunne, an imprint of MacMillan Publishing, last November for an undisclosed sum. It will be edited by Rob Kirkpatrick. Droban’s literary agent, Jill Marsal, politely declined a request to comment on Droban’s book for this story.