Saturday, April 21, 2012


Red wine & marijuana (© John Foxx/Getty Images; Jupiterimages/Getty Images)


How could you make a substance like wine, with chemical properties that make you pleasantly woozy and a bit euphoric, any better? Infuse it with another substance whose chemicals make you pleasantly woozy and a bit euphoric, of course! Enter marijuana-laced wine. A bit like the pot brownie's more refined big sister, the aromatic red spirit is on the rise in California where increasingly lax pot laws have brought the decades-old fad back into fashion. The recipe calls for dropping a pound of pot into a fermenting cask of wine, which yields about 1.5 grams of weed per bottle. Plenty enough, we think, to get a group of sophisticated vintners chanting "duuuude" and eating Funyuns.

Economists say U.S. would save billions if pot was legal........
Where there's pot, there's gold. So conclude more than 300 economists who say that the government -- if it got out of the business of enforcing marijuana laws -- could save a whopping $7.7 billion annually. Harvard economist Jeffrey Miron also figures there's another $6 billion to be mined each year by taxing the drug at rates similar to booze and tobacco. The economists, who have signed a petition, don't exactly go as far as Miron in suggesting pot be legalized but maintain that it's high time, so to speak, for an "open and honest debate."
Marijuana holiday, April 20, 2010 (©AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)
There are 3 reports of major govt. studies which found that Pot was relatively benign and basically found no justification for its ban. 
Try Googling England's 1894 "Indian Hemp Commission Report" and the 1944 "LaGuardia Committee on Marihuana" and the 1972 National Committee on Marihuana and Drug Abuse Report A/K/A the Shafer Commission Report - to get to the truth. 
Former Pa. Gov. Shafer pushed for decriminalization but Nixon wouldn't back him up.
Shafer's report exposes the Political, money, propaganda and non-medical reasons it was banned.
All Official studies indicate that there is no justifiable social reason to criminalize its use.
Download the Shafer Report and circulate it so that others can learn the real reasons it was banned.
Pres. Obama admitted to having smoked Pot. Isn't it highly hipocritical to put others in jail.