Sunday, April 1, 2012

Michigan Helmet Bill SB 291


Michigan Helmet Bill SB 291
SB 291 is on the way to the Gov.

I think it will happen this time, and you will be able to ride this summer in Michigan without Helmets.

ABATE of Michigan, BOLT of Michigan, U.S. Defenders would like the help of all motorcyclists in their fight for freedom.   Senate Bill 291 passed the Michigan Senate with a 24 YES vote to 14 NO vote in late June.  We want to thank all those activists who sent a post card to Governor Snyder over the summer.  SB 291 passed the Michigan House of Representatives with a 69 YES to 39 NO on November 2nd.   SB 291 passed a concurrence vote on 3-28-2012 and has been sent to Governor Snyder.  Governor Snyder prides himself on being all about business and helping business.  Please urge Governor Snyder to sign SB 291.  He has 14 days to sign or veto.  If no action is taken after 14 days it becomes law.

MAIL to : Governor Rick Snyder

                State Capital
                P.O. Box 30013
                Lansing, Michigan 48909
                (517) 373-3400

Information for contacting the Governor’s Office
Governor’s Constituent Relations Office: 1-517-335-7858.  This number is to voice your opinion.  They may not want your name, just your opinion.

Governor’s Capitol Office Phone: 1-517-373-3400.  May be a recording or a staff member.

Thanks for helping us in our efforts. 

Thanks again,