Friday, April 27, 2012

Meet a Hero: Sgt. Jason Pepper

Life as Sgt. Jason Pepper knew it ended during combat in Iraq when a rocket-propelled grenade mangled his hand, shattered his arm and destroyed his sight forever.
When heroes like Jason sacrifice something as precious as sight, it’s crucial that you join hands with the Disabled American veterans, helping them cut a path through the loss and despair for veterans in need.
As a soldier, Jason had prepared himself to face death, but little had prepared him for a life without sight — and the Army family that had been his only home. 
“We knew nothing was ever going to be the same,” recalls his wife, Heather. “But we had no idea what was next.”

When the road ahead looked troubled for Jason and his family, you were there to lead the way with the DAV.

You helped Jason claim his earned benefits. You put him in touch with other disabled veterans who helped him face the challenges ahead.

Heather is emphatic about how you’ve helped: “If it weren’t for the DAV, we’d feel completely lost. Our country needs the DAV to answer questions and help the veterans and families who’ve sacrificed so much.”

Come to the aid of more veterans and families as you give $25 ... $50 ... $100 or more to DAV Now!

Leading the Way for Wounded Heroes!


Arthur H. Wilson, National Adjutant
Disabled American Veterans