Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Las Vegas - MC Enforcement- Police enforcing helmet laws on Valley roadways

 Las Vegas, NV (KTNV) -- Authorities in the Valley are teaming up to enforce motorcycle safety laws over the next several days.
The Henderson Police Department is planning saturation patrols to target motorcyclists who aren't obeying laws or wearing helmets that meet safety standards.
40 motorcyclists were killed in Nevada last year, and so far six motorcyclists have died on Clark County roads this year, according to authorities.
The Henderson PD traffic unit also plans to keep an eye out for drivers not following cell phone laws during their enforcement efforts.


    1. buddyjeans - Mar 29, 2012 11:06 PMWith rampant crime in LV, our PD should be used to fight crime, not educate people to ride. If you make the decision to buy a bike, then you have a responsibility learn to ride to safely. Stop wasting my tax dollars on educating dumb people.

    1. ROOFER RICK - Mar 30, 2012 12:49 PMGreat... Another waste of taxpayer money used to infringe on motorcyclists rights!!! Why dont they start checking drivers that are failing to yield, running red lights, talking on cell phones etc... The majority of the wrecks are caused by drivers!!

  • ROOFER RICK - Mar 30, 2012 12:55 PM

  • BIG waste of $ on the helmet tickets to.. The law is so vague on that that every single ticket that has been appealed has been overturned.. Not a single officer has been trained to enforce the law but they continue to waste $ by writing the tickets!