Friday, April 20, 2012

CANADA - Hells Angels prospect challenging peace bond.....

A reputed Manitoba Hells Angels prospect who cops allege helped pass on intel about gxxg rivals as part of an ongoing biker feud is battling a bid by justice officials to curb his freedom.
Raymond Plouffe, 48, is challenging a crime prevention-related peace bond officials want to saddle him with. Similar to a probation order, the bond would oblige Plouffe to avoid all contact with members or associates of the Hells Angels and Redlined, the local HA support club.
Plouffe, 48, has no criminal record and is not facing any criminal allegations.
But despite that, cops allege he’s likely to engage in activity to enhance the activities of the Hells Angels (HA).
Plouffe is just one of a handful of people — sources say nine — the Crown is seeking the bonds against as part of Project Flatlined, a recent police bust targeting the HA and the Redlined.
Involving covert surveillance and the extensive use of wiretaps, Project Flatlined culminated with the arrest of a number of HA and Redlined members, including Dale Sweeney, a senior Hells Angel, in mid-March.
The Crown has provided Judge Ray Wyant with a large binder of documentation in support of the peace-bond bid, including verbatim transcripts of taped phone calls.
Plouffe is challenging the evidence, arguing much of it is hearsay and can’t be used against him.
Tuesday, Det. Grant Goulet of the organized crime unit testified about the recent activities of the HA and Redlined gxxgs and how cops believe Plouffe ties in.
During the Flatlined probe, the two gxxgs searched out Rock Machine members following the firebombing of an HA member’s yard, Goulet told court.
Goulet testified wiretapped calls captured Plouffe talking with Dale Sweeney and reputed Redlined leader Justin MacLeod about sightings of Rock Machine rivals.
“He’s out on the hunt for the Rock Machine,” Goulet testified regarding the context of the calls.
Following another intercepted call involving Plouffe, MacLeod then calls Redlined members to assemble, Goulet said.
Goulet’s assessment was blunt when asked why the Redlined crew would do this: “To confront (the Rock Machine) and engage in an act of violence, without a doubt,” he said.
The hearing adjourned Tuesday before defence lawyer Karl Gowenlock could cross-examine Goulet.
A date to continue the hearing will be set.