Wednesday, April 25, 2012

AUSTRALIA - Shots fired at bikie-owned tattoo parlour on Gold Coast

GOLD Coast police have played down talk of a Sydney-style bikie war erupting after a Mermaid Beach tattoo shop was blasted with gunshots overnight.Four bullets were fired into the East Coast Ink tattoo shop on the Gold Coast Highway about 2.30am.
The shop is believed to be linked to the Bandidos outlaw bikie gxxg and there are suggestions members of a rival gxxg were responsible.
But Burleigh Heads CIB chief Inspector Brian Swan said there was no suggestion of a bikie war brewing.
"We've got no indication of any connection to what's happening in Sydney at all," he said.
"There's no indication of a bikie war on the Gold Coast. There's no indication of any issues similar to what is occurring in Sydney happening here."
Insp Swan said police hoped to interview the tattoo shop's owner.
The Bandidos clubhouse is located opposite the tattoo shop and was shot at about two years ago.
Most of the major bikie gxxgs have bases on the Gold Coast, with the Finks and Bandidos dominant.