Wednesday, April 25, 2012

AUSTRALIA - Men refused bail over Sydney bikie shooting

Two alleged associates of the Hells Angels gxxg have been refused bail after facing court over the latest shooting in Sydney's bikie war.
Security guard Fardin Hashemi applied for bail in Parramatta Local Court this morning.
Detectives say the 22-year-old is one of two junior associates of the Hells Angels who opened fire on a unit block in the city's west at Merrylands early on Monday morning.
Police documents tendered to the court say the bullets came within metres of an innocent couple, who were forced to dive from their bed for safety.
Hashemi's lawyer told the court his client had no prior convictions and was willing to be kept under 24-hour surveillance.
But the magistrate still refused bail, saying the case against Hashemi was strong, with a bullet found at his home matching those found at the crime scene and in an abandoned getaway car.
Fingerprints matched to Hashemi and his alleged accomplice, 20-year-old Mohammad Qais Niazy, have also allegedly been found on the car.
Qais Niazy faced Fairfield Local Court on Tuesday morning, but did not apply for bail.
Police say the men had orders to target a former tenant at the unit block who had links to the rival Nomads gxxg.
Detectives say they tracked the men down from the fingerprints in the getaway car.
Officers chased the car to an industrial complex after the shooting, where it was abandoned by the men after a collision.
Two senior Hells Angels were charged with separate offences over the weekend, but police concede they are still a long way from ending the gxxg's war with the Nomads.
Acting Assistant Commissioner Mal Lanyon says a strike force set up to tackle the violence has only just begun its work.
"I'm obviously very pleased with the overnight arrests. We have made it clear that we will take this seriously and we will put every person before the court who we identify as committing offences," he said.
"This is really only the start of our work. Strike Force Kinnarra will continue until the violence stops."
He says detectives are not surprised at the age of those charged over the latest shooting.
"The outlaw motorcycle gxxg culture in general tends to use people who are young or peripheral members of the group, rather than the main members," Assistant Commissioner Lanyon said.
"We obviously have significant legislation and we're very committed to identifying the persons that are behind the actual orders for this to take place."
Police say two more gunmen are still on the run.