Wednesday, April 25, 2012

ABATE Local 6 Pending Legislation

Please read the emails below from Dave Walsh, Carol Cromwell, and Lim Lombardo.  They updated the status of AB1047 (to be heard on May 8th in Senate Transportation Committee) and AB1535 (to be heard on April 25th in Assembly Appropriations).  Since these bills will be heard soon, Jim Lombardo states in his email below that it’s really too late for letters on this go around.  But if you happen to be in Sacramento, please stop by and show your support.  O.K., I know the chances of you being in Sac are slim, but who knows.  Jim also let us know that ABATE got notice too late really to do anything in a timely manner on this.  He will be tracking and working on the bills in the coming months.  Will keep you posted when we hear more.

 AB 1047
          ABATE of California (Sponsor)
          Sacramento Outrider Motorcycle Association
          Approximately 1,300 Individuals
          California Police Chiefs Association, Inc.         

AB 1535                                                                

ABATE of California
48 individuals

 Opposition None on file
Hi folks,
received my updates on bills that I subscribe to ...
and for what it's worth ... the ABATE motorcycle related bills ...
AB1047 is scheduled to be heard on May 8, in the Senate Trans Cmte.
I pulled up the Assembly bill analysis sheet - it does not show any in support or in opposition.
Why is that?

AB1535 is scheduled to be heard on April 25 in Assembly Appropriations Cmte.
That analysis shows in support - ABATE of Ca and 48 individuals.
None in opposition - i guess that's good.
but the "In support" is disappointing! Very dismal - and looks like not even ABATE Members care about it.
JIm had this to add:
Yes by all means turn the troops lose on Letters FROM EVERY ALL 30 LOCALS WOULD BR NICE!!! At least its a GOAL!! Plus any bushiness that would like to support us!!
We can tell our friends at the Defenders, that we would like their help with this one.
No need for ANYONE TO TAKE OFF WORK TO ATTEND!!!!!!! Locals and members are welcome to attend if theywany  to show Biker support!!!!
As far as AB 1535, YES not a lot of letters---- HOWEVER HALDERMANS' OFFICE SET THE BILL WITHOUT GIVING ME/US ANY NOTICE!!! We only had 10 days to generate letter ect. It should be better notice from here on out! from them to me
No much testimony on this one. Its only about fisxal. I will of course be there to testifly.
AGAIN MEMBERS CAN ATTEND , NO LETTERS, TO SHORT A NOTICE , I THINK!! They don't show letters of support in Asem Apprp Comm analysis!!