Monday, July 23, 2012

USA - Obey, Submit, Comply: A Rape Model Created by Law Enforcement

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 Pro Libertate recently gave us a harrowing look at the problem of sexual predators in law enforcement. But the problem extends beyond the ranks of law enforcement. The misuse of the police’s power to arrest and their lack of any true accountability for the officers who use excessive force has created a entire population of potential victims and not just for predatory police officers.
The culture created by law enforcement today tells women time and time again to submit, obey and do what they are told has created a submissive community that is exploited by predators who are not police, but simply follow the “rape model” created by today’s law enforcement.
Here in Clark County, we are seeing the affects of that indoctrination right now. Metro officer John Norman, a three-year veteran of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department was arrested on felony charges of coercion and oppression under the color of office and misdemeanor open or gross lewdness in February after two women reported he made both of them expose their breasts to him. One of the women also alleges Norma fondled her as well.
Since Norman’s arrest, two other women have come forward with complaints about their encounter with Norman, but Metro has not released the details of those incidents.
As if police using their position of authority to facilitate their desire to be a sexual predator wasn’t awful enough, the mantra of “submit, obey, comply” has provided non-uniformed sexual predators an easy to follow “rape model” where their victims can be easily controlled, using the authority of law enforcement.
The police are supposed to protect us, and if not always apprehend the bad guys, at least make it harder and harder for them to operate. Instead decades of aggressive tactics by police, excessive displays of force and the escalating killing of our neighbors, all without any repercussions, have taught the public that they have no rights when encountering a member of Metro.
An innocent man should be allowed to go about his day without ever encountering law enforcement. If such an encounter should occur, an innocent man should be able to refuse to cooperate with the sudden government intrusion. An innocent man should be allowed to simply walk away, knowing that police must have cause to detain them. An innocent man, no matter what type of attitude he has, no matter how belligerent, no matter what ‘colorful’ language he uses should never be harmed by authorities. An innocent man should be allowed to defend himself from the threat of harm, no matter who is trying to harm him. If there is a time when these rights are ignored, the innocent man expects the offending officers to be dealt with harshly.
While, on paper, the innocent man has all these rights. In the real world the innocent man will end up beaten, incarcerated and even killed if he tries to exercise these very rights. Police will tell you these are “isolated incidents,” yet they happen a thousand times more often in this country than the death of a police officer. Have you ever heard an officer fatality referred to as an “isolated incident?”
So what does the lone woman walking home from work do when a man approaches her and identifies himself as an undercover police officer? Maybe he shows her a badge of some sort. Is she supposed to be able to discern a real police badge from the badges carried by security at over 20 Las Vegas Casinos, nearly a dozen private security firms and the many loss prevention specialists?
While the lone woman walking home from work would not cooperate with a stranger approaching her in the dark, a little piece of tin changes everything. While, as an innocent woman walking alone, she should be able to refuse to speak with the office and walk, even run away, what has her life in Las Vegas taught her? It has taught her that if she runs from a threat, and that threat is the police she will be assaulted, tased or even shot. The officers who do this will face nothing more than a long paid vacation, and her reputation will be vilified by Metro at every turn.
So, she stops, hoping that having a quick word with the officer will be all she needs to do for her to be on her way. But there is no such thing as “a quick word” with the police. While the law states a police officer can initiate contact with the public and anytime, he must have a reasonable suspicion based on specific and articulable facts that you are, have just, or are about to commit a crime in order to detain you for even ten seconds. If he doesn’t, he must let you leave. But if you stop and voluntarily engage, all that is irrelevant. He will keep you there, unless you ask to leave, until he has at least run you for warrants. He will ask to search you in a manner that doesn’t seem to be a request at all. He might appear to be a nice guy and offer a seat in his car, so you can get out of the cold, while he waits for dispatch.
What woman would stop and let a stranger search them for weapons and then voluntarily get in his car?
A woman who knows that if the stranger is a cop, refusal can mean death. In other words, every woman in America.
That’s how two Las Vegas women, one only 17-years-old, ended up in Philip Taft’s vehicle. Taft, a floor supervisor at The Venetian, saw both women walking along Tropicana Ave. One was an admitted prostitute. One had simply missed her bus. Taft’s work badge and the claim he was a police officer was all it took to get both women in his car. Once there he drove each to a isolated area and raped them.
The 17-year-old realized right away that Taft was not really a police officer, but her indoctrination into the cult of “obey, submit, comply” has been complete and it was too late. She immediately contacted the actual authorities and Taft was eventually captured.
Only then did the other woman come forward, she was an admitted prostitute who was working the streets the night Taft picked her up and demand sex or he would take her to jail. Even street-smart pro knew she must “obey, submit, comply.” What is most frightening is this woman, who had more experience with police than Taft’s 17-year-old victim, never stopped believing Taft was a cop, even after he raped her. In her experience with police, this wasn’t an outrageous or unheard of experience.
According to the The National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project’s 2010 report, police officers are three times more likely to be sexual predators. Add to that all the non-uniformed predators who pretend to be officers to sexually assault women and the majority of rape victims in this country are also victims of the “obey submit, comply” rape model that years of unfettered police misconduct has created.
Because this is what happens when you give a man power, a gun and no accountability.
 Clark County Criminal Cops

The main point of the article to any literate non-cop (pardon implied redundancy) is that cop are 3 times more likely to be sexual predators. Case in point from their own twisted and evil website.
Never once did it occur to officer rapist that your gun, taser and threat of violence up to and including murder negate consent when you command that a woman suck your cock in your patrol car.
Isolated incident copsuckers?

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