Friday, March 30, 2012

UMC NSW Defend your right to associate..

UMC NSW Defend your right to associate....
The United Motorcycle Council of New South Wales is a peak group representing 18 motorcycle clubs.

The council has been formed to provide clubs and individuals with an avenue for dispute resolution. It also aims to break down some of the negative stereotypes about motorcycle clubs and members, and allows bikers to have a say in issues that affect them.

One of the Councils first goals is to contribute to the public debate about the introduction of amendments to the Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act. These amendments include the provision to disrupt and restrict the activities of declared organisations.

These laws proposed and introduced by governments across Australia threaten the civil liberties of all Australians. In NSW, police have been granted sweeping new powers to use against any citizen without the checks and balances needed in a healthy democracy.

Freedom of association is your right. Don't let your government tell you otherwise.