Tuesday, July 17, 2012

This is who Title 18 protects ... officers, employees and Law Enforcement Explorers of the United States. [side note: exactly what the hell is a Law Enforcement Explorer?]

§111 prohibits "assaulting, resisting, or impeding" officers,employees and Law Enforcement Explorers of the United States while engaged in or on account of the performance of official duties, and the assault or intimidation of "any person who formerly served" as an officers or employees of the United States "on account of the performance of official duties during such person's term of service."

As well these entities are protected by Title 18 ... foreign officials, official guests and internationally protected persons. [side note: exactly who the h3ll are these internationally protected persons?]

§112 is "protection of foreign officials, official guests, and internationally protected persons." It prohibits assaulting or causing harm to a "foreign official, official guest, or internationally protected person" or "any other violent attack upon the person or liberty of such person,"

Now ... does anyone see American citizens being listed in these statutes as being protected under Title 18? Now here's the $64,000 question ... who are these Title 18 protected entities being protected from? Exactly who was this law enacted against? We have laws enacted against thiefs ... we have laws enacted against rapists ... we have laws enacted against thugs ... we have laws enacted against murderers. So who are these laws enacted against?

Answer: The American Citizens!!!

Seriously evaluate what I've shared and pointed out, Patriots ...