Friday, March 30, 2012

Michigan - LANSING - Bill allowing helmet-free motorcycle riding reaches Snyder's desk

Legislation giving motorcyclists the right to ride sans helmet in Michigan cleared the state Senate this morning and is on its way to Gov. Rick Snyder.
Snyder has expressed a willingness to sign a helmet bill in the past, raising hopes among advocates for the helmet-free motorcycling here after years of failed initiatives.
But Snyder also said he wanted the issue addressed in the context of broader changes to the state’s no-fault auto insurance law, which is not the case with the measure approved 24-14 in the Senate today. It passed in the state House last year.
The governor said Tuesday he would review the bill if and when it reached his desk.
Opponents of the legislation have long argued that it would lead to increased motorcycle injuries and deaths, and higher costs on other motorists and the state.
Proponents dispute those claims and said other states have not experienced higher costs.
Under the legislation, riders 21 and older would be permitted to doff their helmets after purchasing a additional $20,000 insurance rider.
Contact Dawson Bell: 517-372-8661 or