Saturday, March 31, 2012

MASSACHUSETTS - MMA PLAGIARISM.. I received the following response in reference to the MMA's recent Press Release regarding the member winning the pipes ticket from Attorney Joseph Provanzano...


Dear Gypsypashn:
     As you know, I have been asked many times why I and my associate, Mr. Paul Cote, have dropped our support of the Massachusetts Motorcycle Association [MMA] and why I have not renewed my membership after so many years. I have been quiet, but a recent announcement by the MMA demonstrates, in part, why. Let me explain, at least, from my point of view.
    Recently, the MMA in an announcement seems to indicate that it provides free legal representation for in Court legal representation. Does it truly? If it does, then that it truly news to me and I am glad to hear it.
     Be that as it may or may not be, the recent announcement went on to indicate that a member from Lynnfield was given a Citation for loud pipes. The member got in contact with the MMA and it provided legal advice and legal documentation to the MMA member to use in Court, which won the day. This is fine, for as far as it goes. The MMA announcement went out of the way to take full and complete credit for the eventual finding of not responsible, as if was responsible for all of the legal proceedings leading to that victory. This is also fine, for as far as it goes, but it is lacking.
     What seems to be lacking are the actual details and why the MMA did not provide all of the details - for it might impact on who deserves what credit. First of all, the so-called appellate case that set the standard as "no test - no ticket" was a case that I prepared and argued, at all levels of the proceedings, and won. This case was processed by my law office with a great deal of support from Mr. Paul Cote. No credit was ever advertised by us for that victory. We simply made the pleadings available to all riders, along with a free consultation as to how exactly to win such a case.
     As a result of that case and my representation of numerous motorcycle riders that were given improper tickets throughout Massachusetts, my office developed a set of legal pleadings to be given to a Court during a hearing, so as to teach the Court hearing officer how to deal with such a situation and how to insure that a proper not responsible is given.
     I am advised, sadly, that the pleadings and papers given to this MMA member were almost exact copies of the pleadings developed by my office, but with my name removed. If that is the case, I am truly fine with it, as I want the rider to win, no matter who provides the documents. After all of these years, I trust that it is well known that over the last approximate four [4] decades, I have provided such services to all riders without seeking fame or credit and without their having to join anything to obtain same. I would expect the same from anyone or any organization using my work product, even if altered to so minor degree.
     I want to point out to those who ride that this so-called great legal advice is actually available from the source and it has always be given away freely and without any need to pay a membership or legal fee and without the need for the rider to post any claim to anyone when the not responsible is obtained.
    As a rider, for almost 40 years, I find it truly and deeply offensive for any organization to render this type of assistance and then publicly advertise it as their own work product, so as to seek membership. This demonstrates a major reason why I no longer am a member of the MMA and why I do not support this type of conduct. I believe that every rider should help every other rider, without having to join a group, pay a fee, or advertise for credit when a favorable result is obtained.
     Joseph S. Provanzano, Esquire