Saturday, March 24, 2012

DAV: March 2012 Newsletter

Dear Philip,
Thanks to support from friends like you, last week's DAV Mid-Winter Conference delivered a powerful message to Congress: The United States must keep its promises to veterans disabled in its defense!
Each time you stand up for veterans through the DAV, you protect patriotic Americans who served and sacrificed for you and me.
Leading the Fight for Veterans!
Arthur H. Wilson, National Adjutant
Disabled American Veterans

VA Backlog Keeps Help Out of Reach
  Alarming reports show that the backlog of disability claims in the VA has once again reached nearly 1 million, fueling hardship among all disabled veterans, including those just home from war. 
Despite facing that overwhelmed system, the DAV successfully pushed half a million claims through for disabled veterans last year. That's more than all other veterans' groups combined, making the DAV the trusted leader in claims assistance.

DAV Rallies Community Around Veteran in Need
  When a DAV officer learned that disabled Vietnam veteran Scott St. John was facing eviction, he marshaled the support of Home Depot and local volunteers to help make necessary improvements to St. John's home. "The DAV provided for him as no one else could. We were blessed to have the opportunity to do this," said the DAV representative.

Making an Impact on Veteran Homelessness
 According to a new report, the number of homeless veterans declined by 12% in 2011. "This new estimate is encouraging because it shows we are helping homeless veterans find housing and start rebuilding their lives," said the DAV's Barry Jesinoski. "It shows that the DAV's efforts to support federal programs to leave no veteran behind are making a real difference..

DAV Transportation Network Spreads Help   As part of a nationwide DAV Transportation Network, volunteer drivers in Texas are spreading help to veterans who are unable to reach the medical care they need. Volunteer Paul Reed had this message for his fellow veterans: "You're not alone. There are people who care about you. Just call us, get a hold of us, and we'll help you."
Veteran's Gift Expresses Commitment to DAV Mission   Though injuries during the invasion of Iwo Jima sent Marine Hyman Kramer home, he never stopped serving his fellow veterans. A life member of the DAV, Hyman recently presented a check for $10,000. "I want the DAV to carry on and move forward," he said. "It needs to keep helping veterans. They need the help."
Save Big on Prescriptions ... and Help Disabled Vets!   It's quick, easy and completely FREE! Print out your DAV Prescription Drug Discount Card and get UP to 75% off prescriptions at more than 57,000 retailers nationwide. And each time you fill a prescription, 50¢ goes to help disabled veterans through the DAV!
Make Your Vacation Count for Disabled Veterans!   You can make your next vacation count when you purchase a Hotel Card. Good at more than 165,000 hotels worldwide, it's your ticket to helping disabled veterans and getting great deals on travel. Get your $25 card for just $20 or a $75 card for only $60 — and 30% goes directly to the DAV!
Help Heroes Build New Futures!
 Behind every DAV success story stands a patriot like you. From our traveling offices to our free professional claims service to initiatives carried out by our local chapters, your patriotic devotion makes DAV leadership possible.
As the scars of war continue to challenge our disabled veterans, touch a hero's life with your gift of $25...$50...$100 or more now!
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DAV Newsbriefs
VA Backlog Keeps Help Out of Reach

DAV Rallies Community Around Veteran in Need

Making an Impact on Veteran Homelessness

DAV Transportation Network Spreads Help  

Veteran's Gift Expresses Commitment to DAV Mission

Save Big on Prescriptions ... and Help Disabled Vets!

Make Your Vacation Count for Disabled Veterans!  

Help Heroes Build New Futures!

They Fought for Us.
Now Fight for Them!

Watch the DAV's national leader remind Congress of its debt to disabled veterans!. .
Put your support behind the DAV Commander's message as you give $25, $50, $100 or more to preserve the care and benefits our nation's heroes deserve!


Since its founding more than 90 years ago, Disabled American Veterans has been dedicated to a single purpose: Building Better Lives for America's Disabled Veterans and Their Families.
P.O. Box 14301 | Cincinnati, OH 45250-0301
Please thank a disabled veteran for their sacrifice and service!