Thursday, March 1, 2012

AUSTRALIA - Sophisticated hydroponic set-up by Rebels: police

A sophisticated hydroponic set-up found at an Alexander Heights house has been secretly stealing large amounts of power to grow cannabis, police have confirmed.
The set-up has been unravelled during police dawn raids on three properties belonging to Rebels motorcycle gang associates and a nominee, according to Detective Inspector Dario Bolzonella of the serious and organised crime unit.

Synergy and police have been at the Alexander Heights for most of the day trying to dismantle the complex bypass system.

"With these hydroponic set-ups they obviously draw a lot of power and things like energy consumption are something that tip-off authorities that something suspicious is going on in that address. There is a lot of electrical work that goes on behind the scenes to avoid detection," Detective Inspector Bolzonella said.
"I'm sure that unless you were an electrician or had some sort of training in dealing with high voltage power that they would pose some sort of danger."
He said amphetamines were seized from a Quinns Rock home, where the Rebels nominee was taken into custody, and two hydroponic growing houses were dismantle in Alexander Heights and Clarkson.

Fourteen mature cannabis plants have been seized from the Clarkson address, which was considered "significant" by police. Police have yet to release the street value of the drugs seized and the total quantity.

Detective Inspector Bolzonella said the raids were not related to the anti-bikie laws, which were being considered in Parliament today.
"With these hydroponic set-ups they obviously draw a lot of power and things like energy consumption are something that tip-off authorities that something suspicious is going on in that address. There is a lot of electrical work that goes on behind the scenes to avoid detection," Detective Inspector Bolzonella said.
"I'm sure that unless you were an electrician or had some sort of training in dealing with high voltage power that they would pose some sort of danger."
He said amphetamines were seized from a Quinns Rock home, where the Rebels nominee was taken into custody, and two hydroponic growing houses were dismantle in Alexander Heights and Clarkson.

Fourteen mature cannabis plants have been seized from the Clarkson address, which was considered "significant" by police. Police have yet to release the street value of the drugs seized and the total quantity.

Detective Inspector Bolzonella said the raids were not related to the anti-bikie laws, which were being considered in Parliament today.

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