Saturday, March 31, 2012

AUSTRALIA - Consorting Amendments 93W,X & Y Crimes Act

This is how it was explained to me in very simple terms.

Consorting Amendments 93W,X & Y Crimes Act

"You must FIRST have consorted with 2 "convicted offenders" THEN the police can give you a warning that you have been consorting with "Convicted Offenders" & if you consort with them again it is an offence" Let me break this down. Joe (a cleanskin with no criminal record) Bob (a wharfie who 10 ago got into a blue and was charged and convicted for GBH but has now seen the error of his ways and is now married with 3 kids) and Alan (a Used Car salesman who got done 5 years ago for possesion and supply, did his time and is now straight) Constable Plod sees these 3 drinking at a pub. Makes a note of it and moves on. He sees them all again 2 weeks later at a fundraiser, being the ever zelous officer he is, he confronts all 3 and explains to each one that they have been observed consorting previously and if they are seen in each others company again it is a CRIMINAL OFFENCE! Yes, even Joe the cleanskin has now the potential to recieve a criminal record if he meets up with his 2 mates. Both Bob and Alan (even though they have served their time and made a better life for themselves and ot so much have received a traffic ticket) will NEVER be able to escape their past mistake. ( Please take note, NOT ONE OF THEM IS A BIKER hmmmm)