Sunday, February 26, 2012

WISCONSIN - AB55 Passes unanimously in the State Senate now it's on to the Governor's desk

AB55 Passes unanimously in the State Senate now it's on to the Governor's desk

From Dave "Chubby" Charlebois , ABATE of Wisconsin Public Relations Director

ABATE of Wisconsin members' hard work and persistence helps AB55 pass through both the Assembly and the Senate without opposition.

AB55, our bill that moves the license suspension for Right of Way violations that cause serious injury or death to an administrative function of the DOT instead of relying on the court system to sentence violators to the required suspension, passed the State Assembly with a unanimous voice vote on November 1, 2011.

On February 21, 2012 the State Senate also passed AB55 unanimously with no amendments and the bill is now headed to the desk of Governor Walker.  

AB55 ensures that all drivers that commit a right of way violation are held responsible for their actions and also provides that the educational elements for violations that were included in 2006 Wisconsin Act 466 are properly administered.  

Members of ABATE of Wisconsin worked hard to get this bill passed, not only with their persistent grassroots lobbying, but also their efforts to work with all parties involved in proper enforcement of its provisions to provide a safer environment for all roadway users in Wisconsin.  

ABATE of Wisconsin, Inc. will continue to provide you with updates as this very important legislation makes its way to the Governors desk. Many thanks to all that helped make our efforts a success.