Sunday, February 26, 2012

USA - Poll: More Women Have Tattoos than Men

Pat Anson
Over one in five American adults has a tattoo and the ancient art of body ink is gaining in popularity, particularly among women. For the first time, more women have tattoos (23%) than men (19%) according to a new Harris Poll.
Harris surveyed over 2,000 Americans online in January and found that 21% have at least one tattoo, up from 14% the last time the question was asked in 2008. But while tattoos have become more common, many Americans — who don’t have  tattoos — harbor negative feelings about them.
• 50% say people with tattoos are more rebellious
• 45% say they’re less attractive
• 39% say they’re less sexy
• 27% say they’re less intelligent
• 24% say they’re more likely to do something deviant.
Among those with a tattoo, most have no regrets about having one (86%) and three in ten say it makes them feel more sexy (30%). One-quarter say having a tattoo makes them feel rebellious (25%) and one in five (21%) say it makes them feel attractive or strong.
Tattoos are most common in the West – 26% of adults in the region report having one – compared to 21% in the East and Midwest, and 18% in the South (18%).
Hispanics are more likely to have tattoos (30%) than blacks (21%) or whites (20%). And Democrats have more tattoos (22%) than Republicans (17%)
Tattoos are made by inserting indelible ink into the dermis layer of the skin to change the pigment. Tattooing has been practiced for centuries in many different cultures. Great Britain owes its name to tattooing. The Picts, who inhabited northern Britain, were known as “the painted people” and “Britons” means “people of the designs”. Although long associated with sailors and motorcycle gangs, tattoos in recent years have become more fashionable in Western culture. A tattooed Barbie doll was even introduced in 2011, which generated complaints from parents who said it sent the wrong message to young girls.
Looking at other forms of body art, the Harris Poll found that 49% of Americans adults have pierced ears and 7% say they have a piercing elsewhere on their body.