Wednesday, February 1, 2012

FLORIDA - Florida Senate Bill 1754..

Myself and others are against the Florida Senate Bill 1754 because of the way it is written.
This bill Does Nothing For The Victim.
The bill should be written that the victim and or their family receive the money or at least it is put into a fund that will help victims.
The State of Florida Should Not Profit From the Injury and or Death of its Residents.
Like all the bills that Abate has been involved in passing it makes money for the State of Florida. Of course when that happens it is followed by a large amount of money in the form of a safety grant to Abate.
People are already asking what percentage Abate is going to get from this.
ABATE of FL's Stiffer Penalties Bill Passes 1st Committee

Motorcycle News Tallahassee, FL January 27, 2012 - ABATE of Florida, Inc.'s Stiffer Penalties Bill, Senate Bill 1754, has passed it's first committee today. The Senate Transportation Committee passed the Bill with 7 yes votes and zero no votes. Doc, ABATE of Florida's Lobbiest, spoke before the committee during the hearing and said there no negative comments.
The next committee for the Bill will be the Senate Criminal Justice Committee. We can use everyone's help to contact the members of this committee to urge them to pass this Bill. The committee's Chair, Sen. Greg Evers (850-487-5000), is the Sponsor of our Bill. Other members are:
Sen. Charlie Dean Vice Chair (850) 487-5017 Sen. Mike Bennett (850) 487-5078 Sen. Alan Hays (850) 487-5014 Sen. Gwen Margolis (850) 487-5121 Sen. Chris Smith (850) 487-5112 Any questions regarding this Bill should be directed to ABATE of Florida, Inc.'s State Legislative Trustee, Darrin "Scribe" Brooks at .
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David "Lockdown" Rich Public Relations Trustee ABATE of Florida, Inc.