Saturday, February 4, 2012

CALL TO ACTION - AB 1047 - January 31, 2012

The status on AB 1047 is as follows:

  • Bill was read on the Senate Floor on 1/17/12; subsequently sent to the Senate Rules Committee for review and assignment to the Senate Transportation & Housing Committee.
  • Next step is to contact members of the Senate Transportation Committee with either a phone call, letter or email, urging their support of AB1047
  • The word we're getting is that, contingent upon when the Committee reviews this bill, it will most likely be voted on sometime in February
Of the utmost importance -- Please contact the Committee Chair by letter, phone, fax or email.  For phone, fax and address info, simply click on the link referenced below.  If you desire to send an email, follow the instructions on the legislator's page under the "Contact Us" or "Contact Me" tab.

In addition to contacting the Committee Chair, if any of the members listed represent your district, please send a copy of the letter to them as well.  Instructions for finding one's district number are also listed below.

A letter template is attached for your convenience in completing this CTA.  As always, make certain to sign and include your address.

Committee Members

Senator Mark DeSaulnier (Chair) - SD07

Senator Ted Gaines (Vice Chair) - SD01
Senator Tom Harman - SD35
Senator Robert Huff- SD29
Senator Christine Kehoe - SD39
Senator Alan Lowenthal - SD27
Senator Fran Pavley- SD23
Senator Michael Rubio - SD16
Senator Joe Simitian - SD11

To find your district's representative
  • Click on the following link: 
  • Scroll to the bottom of page to "Find my Senator" and click on either "By District Number" or "By Your Address"
  • Type in requested info, search will bring up your district's representative's name along with a link by which they can be contacted
Please help spread the word and get this very important piece of legislation passed. Email any questions to '' Thank You!

** Sample Form Letter**

January 31, 2012

Senator Mark DeSaulnier, Chair
Senate Transportation & Housing Committee
State Capitol – Room 5035
Sacramento, CA  94248-0001

The Honorable Senator DeSaulnier:

I am writing to you to respectfully ask for your support of AB1047; a bill to cease federal NHTSA funding of motorcycle-only checkpoints.

The funding of such checkpoints has made the passage of AB1047 of paramount importance.  Across California, law enforcement agencies have been using these funds, not to establish generic checkpoints intended to stop all vehicles looking for impaired operators, or unsafe vehicles.  Rather, these checkpoints have been stationed adjacent to motorcycle events and stop only motorcycle riders while automobile drivers are waved on.  While law enforcement officials may defend the program as a safety measure, there is no substantive proof of its efficacy.

I concur that safety issues are of the most importance – for ALL motorists – to that end, the best way for NHTSA and state/local jurisdictions to reduce motorcycle crashes is to employ proven strategies (i.e.:  rider education and motorcycle awareness programs, etc.) that decrease the likelihood of crashes from occurring in the first place.

Furthermore, the common practice of law enforcement agencies stereo-typing law-abiding citizens based solely on their chosen mode of transportation, borders on a discriminatory practice (i.e.:  profiling).  This is NOT what America is all about.  I urge your YES vote on AB1047.


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