Wednesday, February 29, 2012

CA - Information From Senator Anderson Concerning Appointments

Dear Friends:

 Governor Brown is seeking qualified, capable people to serve as members of state boards and commissions. I wanted to make sure that my constituents were fully informed of this upcoming opportunity to learn more about the process of applying for an appointment from the Governor.

 There are outstanding people throughout my district who would serve the public well in one of these positions.

 On Friday, March 2 at 12:00 PM, Mona Pasquil, Appointments Secretary to Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr., will lead a workshop in room 447 of the State Capitol in Sacramento for persons wishing to be appointed to a committee or board by the Governor. The workshop will provide you with critical information about the appointments process, and the knowledge you need about the appointments application. The workshop will be hosted by the Capitol Fellows Alumni Association.

 If you are planning to attend, please let me know as soon as possible (by emailing and my staff will make sure we get your RSVP in for the meeting.

 If you have a particular board or commission on which you're interested in serving, please send me an email to inform me of that as well.

 Thank you,