Friday, February 24, 2012

CA. - Ablett Found Guilty

Ablett Found Guilty
After listening to three weeks of testimony and deliberating for four hours and fifteen minutes, a jury in San Francisco today found Mongol Christopher Bryan “Stoney”Ablett (photo above) guilty of four racketeering charges.
The jurors had obviously reached a consensus before entering the jury room. During deliberations, the foreman, juror 34, asked one question. “Can we have a white board a chalk board?”
The verdict was read at 1:20 p.m. Pacific Time. The jurors checked the “yes” box on the verdict form. The questions to which they were required to answer yes or no were:

The Charges

Has the Government proven beyond a reasonable doubt that on or about September 2, 2008 defendant Christopher Bryan Ablett unlawfully and with malice aforethought murdered Mark Guardado for the purpose of gaining entrance, maintaining his position, or increasing his position within an enterprise engaged in racketeering activity…as charged in Count I?
Has the Government proven beyond a reasonable doubt that on or about September 2, 2008, defendant Christopher Bryan Ablett assaulted Mark Guardado with a deadly weapon for the purpose of gaining entrance, maintaining his position, or increasing his position within an enterprise engaged in racketeering activity…as charged in Count II?
Has the Government proven beyond a reasonable doubt that on or about September 2, 2008, defendant Christopher Bryan Ablett knowingly used a firearm in furtherance of, or knowingly used or carried a firearm during and in relation to, the crimes charged in either Count I or II…as charged in Count III?
Has the Government proven beyond a reasonable doubt that on or about September 2, 2008, defendant Christopher Bryan Ablett knowingly used a firearm during and in relation to the murder in aid of racketeering of Mark Guardado, as charged in Count I, or during and in relation to the assault with deadly weapon in aid of racketeering of Mark Guardado, as charged in Count II, and that the firearm was used to cause the death of Mark Guardado…as charged in Count IV?

The Verdict

The jury checked the “yes” boxes all four times. They were polled by Judge Richard Seeborg and all jurors agreed the verdict was unanimous. They were dismissed and allowed to return to their lives at 1:30 p.m.
Ablett will appeal the convictions. A motion hearing is scheduled for May 8 at 2:30 p.m. Ablett will be sentenced by Judge Richard Seeborg on May 15 at 2:30 p.m. Ablett cannot be sentenced to death. He can be condemned to life in prison.