Friday, February 10, 2012

Biker Uses Woman’s Belt To Hogtie Driver Who Nearly Killed U. Of Texas Soccer Player

Kylie Doniak is a four-year University of Texas soccer player who was among a group of people hit by a car in downtown Austin last Friday morning. Of those in the crowd, Kylie got the worst of it, suffering a "significant head injury, multiple rib fractures, a punctured lung and a large laceration to her back. Both bones in her right leg were broken, as well."
It's a bad spot that Kylie's in, but there was some good news today, per her family.
"We got the best surprise God could ever have provided for us today!!!!" her family said this morning on the website, which family members have used to update her progress. Family members said Doniak opened her eyes.
I won't get into my whole hit-and-run spiel here, honest. But this one jumped out from the slew I look at each week.
Reason No. 1, from the Austin American-Statesman:
[Driver Nicholas Ray] Colunga made several statements saying he had been drinking that night, the affidavit issued in the case said.
"I hope I didn't kill anyone," Colunga said while being detained, the affidavit said. "I know that I hurt someone. I'll take responsibility. Take me downtown, I know you're going to do it."
Colunga also told police he was "no where near sober" and smelled of a strong odor of alcohol and his speech was slurred and mumbled, the affidavit said.
Reason No. 2, from the Daily Mail:
Sisto Perez was driving his motorcycle in downtown Austin early Friday morning when he witnessed the Chevy Impala strike the pedestrians after running a red light.
[A chase ensues]
Mr Perez, jumping off his bike, lunged toward Mr Colunga coming out from behind the wheel who ... appeared as intoxicated as one could be.
"He said, 'I'm not trying to resist,''' Mr Perez recalled of Mr Colunga, "and I grabbed hold of him, pulled him to the side, kicked him in the knee and dropped him to the ground."
If that wasn't enough, Mr Perez borrowed a woman's belt - from among several bystanders who had gathered to watch - to hogtie the driver and force him against the car.
"My father didn't raise any cowards in my family," Mr Perez said.