Tuesday, February 7, 2012

B.A.D. Empowers Biker Culture Fight In State Habe!

B.A.D. Empowers Biker Culture Fight In State Habe!
Hank McGrath (B.A.D. Exec. Director), representing New York residents, along with Mike Willig (Constitutionalist), Carmella Brown (Editor of NY Rider Mag & biker rights advocate) and Eric Carlsen (Professor at SCCC and rights advocate) have teamed up with other State Reps throughout United States to file a Writ of Habeas Corpus against the recent ...passage of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (NDAA), which permits internment and imprisonment of US citizens who show conduct which is “belligerent to the government”. The Webster dictionary describes the definition of “belligerent” to be “belonging to or recognized as a state at war and protected by and subject to the laws of war. 2. : inclined to or exhibiting assertiveness”.
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Bikers are not 2nd Class Citizens!