Thursday, February 2, 2012

AUSTRALIA - Bounty on renegade Comanchero Focarelli

There is a bounty on the head of Vincenzo Focarelli and whoever kills him will become the next leader of the Comancheros' South Australia chapter, according to a media report.
Underworld sources say the bikie has been posing as boss of the outlaw motorcycle gxxg's state chapter but in fact was kicked out of the gxxg for siphoning off drug profits, Adelaide Now reports.
Focarelli survived a fourth attempt on his life on Sunday night after he and his son, 22-year-old Giovanni Focarelli, were caught in a street ambush in suburban Adelaide.
The renegade gxxg leader, who suffered multiple gunshot wounds, bundled his injured son into the backseat of his car and tried to drive him to hospital but Giovanni died on the way.
Vince Focarelli is expected to make a full recovery after emergency surgery but he is now refusing to tell police who might have shot him and his son.
Bikie underworld sources cited by Adelaide Now said the shooting was either retribution from within the Comancheros or an attack by rival gxxg Hells Angels.
Both gxxgs have been linked to previous attacks on Focarelli, police said.
Police sources reportedly said interstate Comancheros had dumped Focarelli as president of the chapter and stripped his tattoo parlour of the club's paraphernalia amid claims he had been stealing drug profits.
Lawyer Craig Caldicott was quoted as saying: "[Focarelli] may call himself a Comanchero, he may even dress up in a Comanchero outfit. But I have it on a pretty good source that he's not a Comanchero". Focarelli has a surviving son and three daughters, all of whom attend exclusive high schools.
Police reportedly have rushed to the family home in Adelaide several times in the past month when family members called for help, reporting suspicious noise around the house, but officers have not found any trace of intruders. Supporters of Giovanni Focarelli, a member of the street gang New BoysZ, indicated they would seek revenge for Sunday night's shooting.
A message posted yesterday afternoon on the gang's Facebook page reads: "Why do bad things happen to good people? No stone will go left unturned. RIP Giovanni".