Sunday, January 15, 2012

Thump Says .........

  1. It appears that LEOs need a way to justify all the neat new military toys the have been given since 911. I read an article a while back about how any law enforcement agency can now get it’s hands on a huge array of military grade equipment for practically free. Quiet little suburbs now have armored assault vehicles. But the “muslim terror cells” that they used to justify militarizing the police never really appeared. Now they need a new enemy to attack with all their new toys and bloated budgets and that enemy is the MCs. The way Washington works is the agencies have to spend everything in their budget this year or they get less next year, so they need more terrorists.
  2. It keyholes right into the new Defense Authorization Act that says that they can pick anyone up and hold them indefinitely if they say they’re a terrorist, or support terrorists or saw a terrorist on TV or used the word terrorist in a scrabble game.
  3. I’m walking down the street mindin’ my own affair
    when two policemen grabbed me and I’m unaware
    They said “Is your name Alexander?” and I said “Why, sure!”
    They said “You’re the cat that we’ve been looking for.”
  4. But I was framed
    I was framed
    I never did nothing
    but now I was, I was framed
  5. The cops took me to a little room where the bright lights shine
    there was ten poor souls like me standin’ in the line
    I knew I was the victim of somebody’s evil plan
    when a stool pigeon looked at me an’ said….
  6. That’s your man!
  7. But I was framed
    I was framed
    I never did nothing
    but now I was, I was framed
  8. Then the public prosecutor started prosecutin’ me
    that man wanted to find what was my pedigree
    He said “Where were you on the third of June 1963?”
    Then them cats with rubber hoses started givin’ me the third degree….
  9. FRAMED by The Sensation Alex Harvey Band