Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Sunday, July 22, 2012 at 10:00am until Monday, July 23, 2012 at 5:00am

  • Description
    Please support our BOYCOTT by clicking "Attending"...and getting involved as we extend this boycott to the sponsors of this event as well.

    Once again the LA Calendar Motorcycle Show is gearing up for their event.

    This is the policy directly taken from their website be...fore they deleted it (but they have NOT rescinded the policy!) :

    Are Club Colors Allowed?
    The LA Calendar Show is held on Private Property at the Private Calabasas Country Club, part of the Beverly Hills County Club Group. The Country Club and the Show have the right to deny admission to anyone.

    Acceptable Spectator Clothing allowed at our discretion does include law abiding sportbike and touring club jackets, vests and shirts with patches, and motorcycle brand apparel.

    Please leave Hard Core / Outlaw Biker Club Jackets and Offensive Shirts at home or you may not be admitted. No weapons of any type allowed with full personal body pat-down and metal scan search before admission.

    Full On Site Enforcement by Private Armed Security.


    The organizers have once AGAIN chosen a location that is not allowing certain (unspecified) MCs to wear their club vests. They continue to push the responsibility for the policy off on the venue just like they did last year and years before. It is NOT the venue creating this policy. It is the Producers of this event that do NOT want Motorcycle Clubs present at their event. It is the PRODUCERS that choose to deny our constitutional right to speak our minds, associate with whom we choose AND express ourselves in a manner we so choose.

    “Offensive Shirts” – What is “offensive”? Can I wear a Christian shirt? What if it offends a Jewish person? Can I wear my Human Rights Campaign shirt? What if offends a pro-Prop 8 person? Maybe I want to wear a Pro-Life shirt!? I am sure to piss off and offend a few Pro-choice people! Will all slogans be read and judged by the same person?

    Who will this person be that is given the right to sit in judgement of my freedom of expression?

    “Hard Core” – What is “Hard Core”? Hard core vs soft core… in porn soft core means it is just an illusion of sex. No genitals or penetration is shown.. you just THINK you are seeing sex.

    So it stands to reason that “Hard Core” in the biker terms means REAL MCs? As in no true MC cuts will be allowed? You can have the “Lone Wolf No Club” or “Black Label Society” type vests or maybe even the Harley Owners Group vests… but those MCs that have lived and died this lifestyle and fought for our rights as bikers..they will not be allowed to wear their cuts. Those same MCs that have an overwhelming majority of military veterans that have fought for our Country, will not be allowed to wear their colors. What about clubs with menacing names that just sound like they are ‘hard core’?

    Who will be the judge of this and what are their credentials?

    “Outlaw” – WHO determines which clubs are outlaw? Who determines the definition of “Law abiding”?

    To what degree can members of any given club break the law before the organizers determine that the club is an “outlaw” club? I have seen entire clubs pulled over and cited by law enforcement more than one time. Speeding is breaking the law. Riding without insurance is breaking the law. What about stunting?

    For the love of GOD can these people stop pussyfooting around and grow a set? If they have something to say, then just get it out and say it! Set clear definitions of what is allowed and what is not. This vague setting of rules is passive aggressive at best. They want plausible deniability if an issue comes up and the ability to make on the spot decisions in a discriminatory manner.

    Last year the Producers blamed their policy on the Queen Mary and the Long Beach Police Department. Members of the biker community voiced their outrage and dispelled the blatant LIES being told by the Producers.

    When that didn’t work, the Producers talked about incidents that happened DECADES ago between clubs. They said when “biker gangs’ (their words) can behave at events and not shoot each other then maybe they will change their policy. BIKER GANGS?? Excuse me Mr Producer… MOTORCYCLE CLUBS ARE NOT GANGS!

    Then the Producers attempted to elicit the sympathy ticket sales by saying this was an event to help stir the economy. That vendors and those employed by those vendors depended on attendees.

    Their last and most pathetic attempt to deflect the bad publicity they were getting was to threaten those protesting the event with “copyright infringement”. The event photo had been used with a red circle and line through it. Thanks to the current SOPA defeat this is more clear than ever before a scare tactic on behalf of the Producers. It is fair use and they are going to have to just deal with it!

    The biker community put a BOYCOTT in effect for 2011. The event had a minimal turnout last year. It still wasn’t enough to get the Producer’s attention. This year they had the ability to find a venue that would allow MC colors. They did not do a thing to address this issue over the last year. Yet another slap in the face to the biker community that should NOT be tolerated.

    There is not one viable reason to attend the LA Calendar Motorcycle Show. They do not have the quantity OR quality of vendors that the other shows have. They discriminate against bikers on every level, unlike other shows. They are rude, unresponsive and have ignored issues brought to them as if what the community wants does not matter.

    We ask that you join us in NOT attending this event!

    Speak with your throttles and go elsewhere!

    Alternative events are welcome to be posted here!


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