Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Obushabama sneaks NDAA into Law While We Were Too Busy Celebrating the New Year to Notice!!!


Americans must not be distracted by Corporate Fascist Puppet Barack Obama saying "my Administration will not authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens" while signing the "National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (H.R.1540)."  More political propaganda with no Constitutional basis. A President who continually uses duplicitous signing statements does not face any more consequences than any other corrupt politician who reneges on their promises. By signing NDAA and attempting to give its UNCONSTITUTIONAL provisions the force of actual law, Barack Hussein Obama is just as complicit as the partisan-led, corporate-owned U.S. Senators and Representatives that voted for this bill.  Our Government has traded Constitutionality for Fascism and lack legitimacy with this American Citizen!!!

Forget Left or Right, forget political parties!!! It's your country, it's your Constitution!!!Unite and Fight!!!!!