Thursday, January 12, 2012

MASSACHUSETTS - MMA Call to Action (CTA) – Right of Way Violations Bill S.1797


MMA Call to Action (CTA) – Right of Way Violations Bill S.1797

Happy New Year   Now that the holidays are over, motorcyclists in Massachusetts need to roll up their sleeves and help get MMA-Filed legislation moving forward, while also applying pressure against harmful motorcycle legislation. 
This is the first in a series of CTAs the MMA will be issuing to make sure Massachusetts Legislators know we are a force to be reckoned with.   The Transportation Committee admitted LOTS of activity for MMA-Filed Adult Motorcycle Helmet Choice Legislation (S.1726) at the recent Public Hearings for many motorcycle-related Bills and we need to continue these activities; watch for these future MMA CTAs.
These MMA CTAs work to set the stage for a strong showing at the MMA’s 11th Annual Storm the Statehouse Legislative Lobbying Day event, scheduled for Thursday May 17, 2012.   At the Storm, riders from across the state (and beyond) can visit face-to-face, these legislators who have received their letters.
Letters in support of (or against) proposed legislation present our best chance to get favorable motorcycle legislation passed.   The 2011-2012 Legislative Session effectively ends in July 2012, so we are running out of time.
The MMA is requesting all its membership and all riders take a few minutes to write a letter in support of Senate Number 1797, An ACT relative to increased penalties for motorists who violate the right of way of other motorists, motorcyclists, bicyclists, and/or pedestrians.
This bill was filed by the MMA January 20, 2011, heard testimony from the public on June 14, 2011, yet currently languishes with the Joint Committee on Transportation.   Let’s make some noise and tell the Committee Members that we want this bill released.   Committee contact information follows.
Your letter of support needs to include your request that S.1797 be issued a Favorable, Ought to Pass recommendation so that it can head to the Senate Floor for debate and a vote!   It can be as simple as that: a sample letter is included below.
A letter is preferred because it sends the strongest message to these Committee Members.   In the alternate, a FAX (quite similar to a letter) or Telephone Call would be quite useful.   Unfortunately, e-mails are largely ignored.
As a minimum, your letters need to get to the Committee Chairs and Vice Chairs.   If you are able to do so, a letter to each Committee Member would really be great.   Sending the same copy of your letter is OK.
If your Senator or Representative is a member of this committee, please make sure they hear from you, their Constituent.
The link to this committee is here:
Committee Contact Info
Senate Information                                       House Information
Room 190C                                          Room 134
State House                                         State House
Boston, MA 02133                              Boston, MA 02133
Tel:(617) 722-1350                             Tel:(617) 722-2400
Chairman Senator Thomas McGee     Chairman Representative William Strauss
Vice Chairman Jennifer Flanagan       Vice Chairman Demetrius Atsalis
Questions can be sent to, further information regarding the MMA Legislative Agenda can be found at
January 2, 2012
TO:      Transportation Committee Senate Chairman Thomas McGee
            Transportation Committee Senate Vice Chairman Jennifer Flanagan
            Room 190C
            State House
            Boston, MA   02133

            Transportation Committee House Chairman William Straus
            Transportation Committee House Vice Chairman Demetrius Atsalis
            Room 134
            State House
            Boston, MA   02133

RE:       Senate Number 1797, An ACT regarding Right of Way (RoW) Violations of motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians by another motorist

Dear Honorable Transportation Committee Members:

I am writing today to formally request a Favorable, Ought to Pass recommendation be issued for S.1797 from this committee so it may head to the Senate Floor for Debate and a Vote.

[INSERT your personal section here-let’s NOT all send in the same letter.   If you have been a victim of a RoW violation, please make sure they hear your story.   SHARE this CTA and Letter with every motorcyclist you know, even those from out-of-state who ride in Massachusetts]

This is an important Public Safety Bill that can be passed and enacted without cost to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and I ask again that S.1797 be released from this Committee with a “Favorable, Ought to Pass” recommendation so it may head to the Senate Floor for Debate and a Vote.

I THANK YOU in advance for your attention to this matter.


Your Name
Your Address
City, State   Zip Code
Your Telephone Number & E-Mail Address  ßIt’s important that they can get ahold of you