Wednesday, January 25, 2012

From Rogue, As I look through the Abate of Florida Masterlink- Jan- Feb 2012

As I look through the Abate of Florida Masterlink- Jan- Feb 2012   
I notice that the Independence Chapter membership seems to be still dropping as is state membership. 
As I read through it, on page 8, I read : Frenchie asked about the ABATE Does Not Speak For Me stickers. 
Lockdown then told the delegation about the restaurant that was (in his words) plastered with these stickers and how the paint on the building was removed as the stickers were removed. 
He goes on to state that this is criminal activity and not the activity of ABATE of Florida members. 
I would like to note that ABATE members are reported to being the ones who removed these stickers and have been seen in doing so other places they are posted. 
ABATE of Florida is Still Telling The UNTRUTH by making the statement They Represent The Motorcyclist of Florida while they are claiming a membership of 6946 members for the month of September 2011 and 6980 for the month of October 2011
This means they are well under one percent (1%) of the motorcyclists of Florida. They should be more Honest about who they actually represent 
 With so many untruths being printed one has to wonder is any of it true. 
ABATE of Florida wants to say what they believe while they oppose others having the same Freedom of Speech. 
The people that are displaying ABATE Does Not Speak For Me sticker are simply voicing their right to notify others ABATE of Florida does Not Speak For Them. 
Lobbyist Doc: States: Safety Money Comes From The Motorcycle Registration Fee 
That means every motorcyclist in Florida is being forced to donate money to ABATE of Florida.
This might help explain why ABATE supported this legislation in the first place. 
The question still remains on how this money is being spent and what good if any it is doing to promote safety. 
I chose to post this here as Abate of Florida will not print these comments.
Sturgis Freedom Fighters
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

Most people receiving this are Florida residents. Either work in Prisons, know someone who does or know someone who is serving time.  All of the people receiving this are U.S. citizens but may not be aware of Florida's legislative attempt at "secret government".
Most of the people receiving this ride Motorcycles and cherish their freedoms and independence. 
This post outlines the current controversy, how politics creates the problem and evidence proving corporate prisons
do not work.  We feel corrections is the soft spot as most like to sound tough on crime. Read the bills (they are linked). Read the story closely and see how by extension they can use this bill to sell out the rest of Florida and the other states!  Or Not!