Saturday, January 14, 2012

Denmark Kvälls - Mc-leader missing......

Claes Carlson

Jan "Clark" Jensen was a member of the Hells Angels, but joined rival.

DenmarkKvälls - Bandidos-raised author Jan "Clark" Jensen, 51, is missing without a trace. Jensen was shot in an attack in Helsingborg in 1996 and now lives near Copenhagen. His car was found burnt out and the phone has not been used in a month. Jan "Clark" Jensen has a long history in the criminal motorcycle gangs. During the late 80 - and early 90's he was a member of the Hells Angels and belonged to the gang's so-called Terror Team. But he went over to competitors Bandidos - and thus became fair game in the war that gangs at that time fought on Swedish soil. They had their headquarters in just a few kilometers away from each other, in Hasslarp and Kattarp outside Helsingborg. On March 3, 1996 there was a firefight in the port of Helsingborg - and Jan "Clark" Jensen was hit by two bullets in the stomach and intestine. But the injuries were not life threatening and he recovered.
Gone for more than a month.
 Jensen's current position in the biker gang is unclear, said Danish police told the newspaper Ekstra Bladet. He goes at least not about the Bandidos West. Jan "Clark" Jensen is registered in Nästved on the southern island of Zealand, but is supposed to live most of the time with a girlfriend in Greve outside Copenhagen. But now he has reported missing. - He left home on the evening of 6 December and since then nobody has seen him says Niels Denny Sorensen at Nästvedspolisen to Ekstra Bladet. Car found burnt out A rental car as Jensen predisposed found burned in a wooded area at the Amager south of Copenhagen. - We have examined the car and also been out with dogs and searched the area around the find-spot, says Niels Denny Sorensen at Nästvedspolisen to Ekstra Bladet.
Car found burnt out
En hyrbil som Jensen disponerade har hittats utbränd i ett skogsområde vid Albertslund väster om Köpenhamn. A rental car as Jensen predisposed found burned in a wooded area at the Amager south of Copenhagen.
– Vi har undersökt bilen och även varit ute med hund och sökt av området runt fyndplatsen, säger Niels Denny Sörensen. - We have examined the car and also been out with dogs and searched the area around the find-spot, says Niels Denny Sorensen.
Har hållit sig undan förr Have been away sooner
Polisen har också kunnat konstatera att den försvunnes mobiltelefon inte har använts sedan den 6 december. Police have also found that the missing cell phone has not been used since December 6. Men utredaren konstaterar också att det ännu inte finns något som rent konkret pekar på att Jan "Clark" Jensen har utsatts för brott. But the investigator also notes that there is still something that specifically indicates that Jan "Clark" Jensen is victim of crime.
Han har i ett tidigare sammanhang hållit sig undan så länge som ett halvår. He has a previous connection had kept away as long as six months.

1994: Helsingborgsklubben Morbids MC retar upp Hells Angels genom att bli "hangarounds" till Bandidos. 1994: Helsingborg club Morbid MC angers Hells Angels by becoming "hangarounds" to Bandidos. Den 26 januari skjuter maskerade män över hundra skott mot deras klubblokal. On January 26, shoots masked men over a hundred shots at their clubhouse. En HA-anhängare dödas på en klubb i Helsingborg den 13 februari. An HA supporter killed at a club in Helsingborg on 13 February.
1995: Bandidos MC Helsingborg bildas den 22 januari som den fjärde avdelningen av Bandidos i Europa. 1995: Bandidos MC Helsingborg formed on January 22 as the fourth division of the Bandidos in Europe. Den 17 juli mördas klubbens president Michael "Joe" Ljunggren med flera kulor på E4 söder om Markaryd. On July 17, murdered club president Michael "Joe" Ljunggren with several balls on the E4 south of Markaryd.
1996: Bandidosmedlemmen Jan Krogh "Face" Jensen skjuts till döds den 16 juli. 1996: Bandidos member in January Krogh "Face" Jensen shot to death July 16. Gängen för krig med automatvapen, handgranater och pansarbrytande projektiler. The gangs of war with automatic weapons, hand grenades and armor-piercing projectiles. Den 3 oktober detonerar en bomb vid Hells Angels lokaler på Sofielund i Malmö. On October 3, detonate a bomb at the Hells Angels premises at Sofielund in Malmo.
1997: Den 25 september 1997 skakar Bandidos "Big" Jim Tinndahn hand med Hells Angels Bent "Blondie" Nielsen, framför danska tv-kameror. 1997: On September 25, 1997 shakes the Bandidos 'Big' Jim Tinndahn hands with Hells Angels Bent "Blondie" Nielsen, in Danish television cameras. Då har tolv personer dött i mc-kriget och över 70 skadats. Then, twelve people died in motorcycle-war and over 70 injured.