Thursday, January 5, 2012

CHICAGO - Woman Says Cop Had a Lot of Nerve


     CHICAGO (CN) - A traffic stop became a search for love in the wrong place when a city cop searched motor vehicle records to find a woman's home address and left her a note asking her out on a date, the woman claims in Federal Court.
     Evangelina Paredes sued Stickney police Officer Christopher Collins, Police Chief Joseph Kretch and the Village of Stickney, a southwest suburb of Chicago, just southwest of Cicero.
     Paredes say Collins pulled her over for speeding on Oct. 22, 2011, issued her a ticket and she continued on her way to work.
     Two days later, Paredes says, she found an envelope fixed to the windshield of her car. The complaint states: "Inside the envelope was a handwritten letter to the plaintiff asking her on a date:
     'It's Chris I'm that ugly bald Stickney cop who gave you that ticket on Saturday. I know this may seem crazy and you're probably right, but truth is I have not stopped thinking about you since. I don't expect a girl as attractive as you to be single, or even go for a guy like me but I'm taking a shot anyways.
     'Because the truth is I'll probably never see you again un-less I do, and I could never forgive my-self. Listen if I never hear from you I understand, but hey I did cost you $132 least I can do is buy you dinner. Little about me real quick I just turned 27, did 4 years in the Army, and been a cop for just over 3 years. Hope to hear from you one way or another. Thanks!!!' (A copy of the letter is attached as Exhibit B.)"
     Paredes says Collins found her car parked behind her apartment building. She adds: "It was not mere happenstance that defendant Collins had found her car.
     "The letter caused plaintiff to suffer great fear and anxiety. Plaintiff could not believe that a police officer would use his access to her personal information to find her home and stalk her. She instantly felt unsafe in her own home and feared for her safety and the safety of her children.
     "Defendant Collins used his authority and position as a police officer not to protect the public, but to attempt to manipulate the plaintiff into going out on a date with him.
     "Upon information and belief, it is not uncommon for Village of Stickney police officers to abuse their power and violate constitutionally protected rights of citizens because the Village of Stickney has lax policies with regard to personal information and allows for these types of constitutional violations."
     She seeks punitive damages for privacy invasion, civil rights violations, intentional infliction of emotional distress and violation of the Driver's Privacy Protection Act.
     Paredes is represented by Carlos Becerra.