Monday, January 2, 2012

CA - Possible government-reform initiatives at a glance

Associated Press
Here are proposals by Gov. Jerry Brown and others for the 2012 ballot that focus on state government or political reforms:
_ Gov. Jerry Brown wants to ask voters to impose higher income taxes on themselves for five years, from 1 percent to 2 percent extra on a sliding scale starting at incomes of $250,000 and above. His plan also would add a half-cent to the statewide sales tax for four years starting on Jan. 1, 2013. The additional revenue, about $7 billion a year, would go into a special account dedicated to school districts and community colleges, which would in turn free up money for other state services.
_ The so-called "millionaire's tax" sponsored by the California Federation of Teachers, Courage Campaign and other groups would increase the income tax rate 3 percent to 5 percent on a sliding scale for individuals making more than $1 million. Proponents say 60 percent of the $6 billion raised annually would go to pre-kindergarten through university education, with the rest going to locally administered programs such as aid to seniors and the disabled, child care, fire safety and infrastructure.
_ The Our Children, Our Future initiative sponsored by attorney Molly Munger would raise income taxes on a sliding scale, from four-tenths of 1 percent on dual-income households under $35,000 to 2.2 percent for couples with incomes greater than $5 million. The estimated $10 billion a year it would raise would be placed in a separate trust fund that could be spent only on local schools and early childhood education and child care. The governor and lawmakers would be prohibited from using the money or directing how it could be spent.
_ Two separate proposals would restructure California's public employee pension system by requiring government workers to pay more for their future retirement benefits and health care. They are backed by two former advisers to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Supporters argue that the pension-reform package submitted to the Legislature by Gov. Jerry Brown does not go far enough to curb benefits and address billions of dollars in unfunded pension liabilities. They plan to pursue whichever approach polls best after their petitions are cleared for signature-gathering.
_ The political reform group California Forward is proposing a constitutional amendment of sweeping changes. Those would include two-year, performance-based budgeting, forcing lawmakers and initiative proponents to identify funding sources for any new major expenditure, and requiring that bills be in print for at least 72 hours before the state Legislature votes on them. The latter is a way to avoid last-minute deal-making behind closed doors.
_ Think Long, a bipartisan group of politically influential people backed by billionaire Nicolas Berggruen, has proposed sweeping changes to the state tax system. Those include expanding the sales tax to include services, generating $10 billion a year for public schools, colleges, universities and local government. Berggruen has said he is willing to spend $20 million to support a ballot initiative, but the group has yet to file any petition language for its plan and seems to disagree over its next steps.
_ Several proposals have been filed to impose a tax on oil extraction in California, including one by Democratic Party Chairman John Burton. It would impose a 12.5 percent tax, with a third of the money going toward education and the rest going to the state's general fund. California is the only oil-producing state that does not impose such a tax.
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