Monday, January 30, 2012

AUSTRALIA - Chopper tells Troy, 'have my kidney'...

Linda Parri

Chopper Read

GANGLAND identity Mark "Chopper" Read has come out in support of notorious biker Troy Mercanti, saying he deserves to go on the donor list for a new kidney and would even give him his own kidney.
Following a rampage through suburban Duncraig last week, Mercanti came close to death on Wednesday due to kidney failure caused by years of alcohol, drug and steroid abuse
"I'd give him one of my kidneys, but I've got cirrhosis of the liver and I've got hepatitis C," Read said. "He can have my kidney if he wants it, but he wouldn't have long to live."
Read said Mercanti deserved a new kidney.
"Has hasn't killed anybody," he said. "If there's a spare kidney around and he's the right blood group then why shouldn't he get it?"
Despite needing a new liver himself, Read has refused to go on the donor list.
"I don't want to go and sit next to seven and 10-year-old kids," said the father of two.
"But I'm not gonna tell someone they can't go on the fing donor list. It was my decision not to go on the donor list, but it's not his."
Read said everyone should have a choice."They gave that heroin girl a new liver and she used heroin and died," Read said, referring to Perth drug addict Claire Murray.
"Everyone's entitled to go on the fing donor list. Everyone. The fact that I'm not on it is my fing decision."
Read, who is reported to have only a year to live, said he did not know his life expectancy.
"Fed if I f---ing know. I couldn't give a sht anyway. I'm 57 years old I've got cirrhosis of the liver and I've got hepatitis C," he said.
"I don't know when I'm gonna fucking drop. I don't even bother thinking about it.
"But if Mercanti wants to live another day why shouldn't he?"
Read said he would be visiting Perth, early this year, to fulfil public-speaking engagements.