Tuesday, December 27, 2011

On the issue of helmet laws...here is someone you should be aware of, B.O.L.T. of California's Richard Quigley

B.O.L.T. of California's Richard Quigley
With B.O.L.T. and Richard Quigley's abilities in court, the CHP decided to quit fighting him and focus writing tickets and collecting money from motorcycle riders that, for whatever reason decide not to learn the information contained on http://www.boltofca.com/
Quigley died about a year and a half after this film was recorded. September 15, 2007. The 6th Appellate ruling, mentioned in the video, in effect, agreed with BOLT, that helmet violations are correctable tickets, though the decision was technically a loss in order to keep the CHP from being held in Contempt of Court. The decision was published in in January of 2008.
Thanks to Current TV for airing the video. Special Thanks to Kaj Larsen for the excellent work as a correspondent, pulling a brilliant quote from Richard Quigley's mind.
"The government cannot make any objective standards for helmets without taking on liability..." Dont miss the full quote in the video.
Without the intelligence and dedication of Richard Quigley and Don Blanscet, motorcyclists would have their Rights violated constantly with no hope for an end. With the knowledge of their work, you are free to choose to an incredible degree, what your helmet looks like, or if you will wear one at all.
If you see riders wearing a helmet the size of a music CD, thank them for helping to make you a little more Free. What are you prepared to do? http://www.boltofca.com/

There are many issues that face motorcyclist and the Mandatory Helmet Law is just one of them.
 The people that are fighting for Freedom of Choice in the helmet issue Are Not Against Wearing Helmets they just want the choice to decide.
 The Mandatory Helmet Law became the Line Drawn In The Sand where Bikers said Enough is Enough and I Am Not Taking Anymore in retaliation to 5 laws that Joan Claybrook the head of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration tried to Force States to Pass in 1973 by Threatening to Withhold Highway Funds to those who did not comply.
 The fight continues to so many issues like profiling, motorcycle only roadside stops, mandatory rider education and the increases in licensing which is then used for things other than what it was collected for.
 Please become aware of issues that affect motorcyclist and then contact your legislators and let them know how you feel about it.
To find out more about BOLT check out


Some History of Mandatory Helmet Laws is available at http://bikerrogue.com/Articles/Biker_Rights/biker_rights.htm

Steering Committee - Strategizing for Class M Class Action Lawsuit

Nevada's helmet law is contributing to the decline of our economy. Only 22 states continue to have mandatory helmet laws like Nevada's. Many motorcyclists tried to get a helmet-choice bill passed in this year's legislative session (2011).

Although the helmet-choice bill, SB177, passed the Senate Transportation Committee, the Bill was killed by Senate Majority Leader, Steven Horseford. But the fact that it got past a committee was more than any helmet-choice bill has gotten in the entire 40 years of Nevada's helmet bondage.

This law - and others like it that restrict our liberties - must go! Laws do not stimulate the economy..... LIBERTY does!

Every person who violated their oath to the Constitution and who perjured themselves to keep motorcyclists beholding and at the "mercy" of police officers and others that use Nevada's helmet law to violate motorcyclists - will be held accountable through public exposure.

The time is NOW to extinguish the corruption that breeds in the dark by casting a bright beam of light called TRUTH!

After numerous warnings that ignoring the will of the People of the State of Nevada would have consequences - this video represents the first of many peaceful attacks to come.

Our motto is: "They wouldn't repeal it - now they're gonna feel it!"

R e p e a l I t O r F e e l I t . c o m