Friday, December 30, 2011

Laconia, NH - If you don't like Bike Week, just stay away from Weirs Beach


To the editor,
Reading newspaper reports of proposed changes for Bike Week had me both amused and distressed. Good thing we have a motorcyclist on the City Council to bring some “vision” to what Bike Week is all about.
Bike Week is NOT the Sandwich Fair, nor July 4 family cookout at Weirs Beach, nor the in-water boat show, etc. Bike Week is not for everyone. If you do not want to see shapely girls in bikinis and pasties then DO NOT GO to the Weirs during Bike Week! Stay out of the beer tents if you don’t like the noise, the music or the clothing or lack there of. But who are YOU to tell them what they can or cannot wear because YOU do not like it?
They are trying to make a living in the “Biker Community” and it seems like I saw a lot more people, men and women, enjoying the sights in these biker venues than people who were offended.
I do not like rap music so I do not go to rap concerts, nor acid rock concerts or other events. If a citizen or visitor complains about seeing such obnoxious things then tell THEM to stay away and stop looking! Simple, isn’t it?
As for the “smoke pits” and “dyno testers”, I can sympathize with the neighbors about the un-godly noise and smells. They should be regulated and licensed or permitted or whatever you want to call the money making goal or desire to make them too costly for the vendors. The smoke pit at Rte #3 and Scenic Drive is great for visibility and attention getter but not ideal for motel guests across the street or at the restaurant on the other corner. Are there any others in the city?
Radical Muslims want every one to worship as they do and if not then others should die. Seems like some Laconia Licensing Board members, Tech Review Committee members, and other Laconia Department heads are saying that Bike Week rules must comply with THEIR personal views and morals and if they don’t then they should be made illegal!
Remember, If you don’t like It, then don’t go to the Weirs Beach area during Bike Week and you won’t be offended. There are plenty more people who enjoy the Bike Week atmosphere than who oppose it. Bike Week is the biggest event in the City of Laconia and the State of N.H. in terms of attendance and money generation so why would you want to impose ridiculous rules, ordinances or laws to destroy that?
Jim Martel