Sunday, December 25, 2011

Hells Angel Barred from Own Court Case in Iceland, W.T.F.

A Norwegian member of Hells Angels, Jan Anfinn Wahl, who came to Iceland on Sunday evening to attend his case against the Icelandic state was stopped by police officers at Keflavík International Airport and will be deported.
His case opened in Reykjavík District Court yesterday morning and was attended by three representatives of Hells Angels in Iceland, including Einar Marteinsson, their Icelandic leader, reports.
Einar told that it is ridiculous that Wahl was placed in custody when he came to the country to defend himself in Icelandic courts.
He and the leader of the Norwegian Hells Angles, Leif Ivar Kristiansen, were both deported when they came to Iceland around two years ago and therefore Wahl, who has a clean criminal record, sued the Icelandic state.
His lawyer, Oddgeir Einarsson, said the reaction of the Icelandic police towards Hells Angels and their operations in Iceland are based on the danger estimate of the National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police which he described as groundless, adding that Hells Angels are not a threat to security.
Oddgeir said the case is about the legality of the deportation, stating that the Directorate of Immigration has been given too much authority.
Hells Angels are also planning to sue the Icelandic Minister of the Interior and the National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police for libel and defamation.
Óskar Thorarensen, the lawyer of the Icelandic state, would not comment on the case.
He stated before the District Court that the police are obligated to respect and obey the danger estimate of the National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police.
According to the estimate, Hells Angels pose a real danger to the safety of the general public and organized crime has increased in countries where they are based. reports that Kristiansen had also intended to attend the court case and accompany Wahl to Iceland but was unable to because he is currently in prison in Norway.